I'm just a guy, doing things at my own pace - going with the flow.
Recently, that flow has me streaming and recording, again.
Be sure to check out the Community page, I post there at least once a month to keep you guys apprised of my goings-on.
Current Let's Plays:
Octopath Traveler II
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Current Streams:
Teamwork Tuesday w/ ZaerAndSunshine - Tuesdays, 11:15 PM EST
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries
Note: Due to the nature of co-op games and the availability of others, sometimes a different game will be played.
Final Fantasy Fridays, 6:00 PM EST
Usually Final Fantasy XIV
Sometimes Final Fantasy IX
Upcoming Streams:
No idea!
Maybe I'll re-create some videos from the old channel. Let me know what you'd like to see in one of the community posts, or a comment on any video, and I'll give it some consideration!
All characters and games are trademark and copyright to those who own said copyrights and trademarks.