The sole purpose and creation of this channel is to Awaken the world to We The Peoples' Soveriegn and Constitutional Rights and Powers, Governed by the Universal Divine Laws of Life, Liberty and Love one interaction at a time until we are all United as ONE.
on any and all peoples, powers, offices, agencies, sytems, corporations, bussinesses, individuals and entities working to take away We The People divine rights n powers to privacy, possesion, property, protections, speech, expressions and FREEDOMS.
These divine rights n prinicibles are being attacked and stripped from us unkowingly, unwillingly and unjustly. The sole Agenda and mission of this channel is to be a Sovereign voice of all that is Rightgeous Just and True, a voice crying out in the wildreness Make way for the Kingdom of Love
As of 2/3/2020 #OPERATION86FB is active and in FULL EFFECT