in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Jomo's FBA Family Calendar is here...get yours today! go to to order your FBA won't need a New Year's Resolution with your FBA calendar-stay Codified family.
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Thanks FBA family for joining the Jomo Speaks live!!!....Looking forward to meeting again!!
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@PhillipScottPodcast @TDMediaGroup @AfroElite @MrTariqNasheed @JomoSpeaksBlackSurvival-tc9bx @TheBlackAuthority
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@PhillipScottPodcast @TDMediaGroup @AfroElite @MrTariqNasheed @JomoSpeaksBlackSurvival-tc9bx @TheBlackAuthority
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Carl Weathers Honored Posthumously with a Star on Walk of Fame: 'The Embodiment of a Good Man'
The actor is being honored with the second Sports Entertainment Walk of Fame star, nearly seven months after his death at age 76.
Weathers was, and always will be, Apollo Creed, a towering figure in the quintessential American film franchise; and his work in the first four “Rocky” films is undeniably part of what has led to Weathers being honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Aug. 29.
But Weathers was much more than Apollo Creed — ambitious and curious, he became an action star (“Predator”), then proved himself as a comic actor (“Happy Gilmore”) and a director (“Mandalorian”). And Weathers continued to expand his world, co-writing his first television drama.
Jomo Salutes Carl Weathers!
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Shout out to Jomo-Carrie Bernans leaves a glowing testimonial. Carrie is an award-winning actress, stunt-woman, and producer who also dances, does taekwondo martial arts and is a current professional athlete. She speaks 6 languages.
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Peace, Unity, & Freedom!