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Why MGTOW Red Pill

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I’ve lost 7 friends that took their own life due to divorce

Why MGTOW Red Pill
1 month ago - 0 likes

Again, another great video by a WOMAN. See, SOME women know the truth. SOME.

Why MGTOW Red Pill
1 month ago - 1 likes

Yep. Listen to the whole video. Total truth. No matter what you good do, you can't please a woman. Especially over some dumb stuff and a women will blow up a marriage with a good man with kids because his d..k is too small. ALSO, that if you do get married, if she hangs out with single women, then bad stuff WILL happen like this. As he says, it's truth. It will happen.

Why MGTOW Red Pill
1 month ago - 0 likes

Think it's easy being a man? Well, as said in this incredible part, who will take the challenge? Even back then it's hard for men. And most will not take the full challenge.

"You think you're a man now?" "I dare you." "Who wants to be king?!"

Why MGTOW Red Pill
2 months ago - 0 likes

Watch it out there guys. Necessary, relevant. Truth. Actually, my ex-wife's mother actually TOLD my parents that my ex is a master of manipulation! They did not tell me that until the divorce happened. Wow. I asked them why they did not tell me that because it I would have called the marriage off. They said they didn't know what to do, and I was young. Crazy REAL stuff that I hope you younger guys listen to us older guys. Again, I didn't know about MGTOW when I was young and got married. No way I would get married now! Truth.

Why MGTOW Red Pill
2 months ago - 0 likes

One of the best by one of the best. True. "But not a snitch". Courage and Integrity.

Why MGTOW Red Pill
2 months ago - 0 likes

Modern Momen: My Wife Rejects Me (Sexless Marriage). By The Silver Bachelor

Why MGTOW Red Pill
2 months ago - 0 likes

I wouldn't be surprised if this is true. Man, jacked up women again. Again guys, watch the f..k out.

Why MGTOW Red Pill
2 months ago - 0 likes

Modern Women Crying Because They’re Single - The Silver Bachelor
@silverbachelor -

Check out (and subscribe). This man speaks the truth. You will learn a lot from his videos. As I said to him today: "50 messages per day?? Wow. Great video and certainly relevant. Most guys I know can't get one message maybe in 6 months until they get off the app. Yep, most guys have no chance on those apps. Sad, but true." So, this is the truth. So, work on yourself instead of trying to talk to those crazy women on the apps.

Why MGTOW Red Pill
2 months ago - 0 likes

As I said in the prior, hey young guys listen up? Some very good MGTOW Red Pill advice on this one when I heard this a long time ago. MGTOW Red Pill doesn't care about colors and other types of music. Actually, I mostly listen to totally different types. But I remember this one long ago when I heard it. I thought - Yep! It's all about respect for yourself, and how you leave women that don't respect you and men. AND, as said in this "...please don't marry that bit.h..."