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Vedic Life Coach

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Welcome to Vedic Life Coach – the place to be if your mind s

Vedic Life Coach
4 months ago - 19 likes

How do you experience the movement of the stars?

I recently had a client ask about how we can tune in to the movement of the stars more directly – I loved the question and thought it'd be good to see what you guys have to say as well. If there are options I've missed, please do let us know in the comments.

Vedic Life Coach
4 months ago - 34 likes

Is anyone else's year not going to plan? 😆🤦🏻‍♀️ So far, mine isn't! I was supposed to have this month's monthly out by now (and a couple of other videos), but I've been unwell with the flu for almost two weeks now. Today I was meant to record my intro at least, but my ear is still blocked and it's really hard to talk, so I will delay recording.

It's an 8 year, a Saturn year – so some of you will be working hard, being productive. And some of us will be experiencing delays, blocks and the odd bout of flu. Thought I'd take a poll to see how you are doing with this 8 year and if there's any option I missed, feel free to let me know in the comments below.

PS: this month's monthly will be out, as soon as I can hear myself talk again 😆😆😆

Vedic Life Coach
1 year ago - 61 likes

Hello to my beautiful pick-a-card audience! I'm packing up all my decks – but – I wanted to introduce you guys to a favourite reader of mine. I have been enjoying readings by ‪@janereadswithyou‬ – please do check out her channel, I will also share a link to one of her videos here:
What I love about Jane is that she is kind, gentle, uplifting, fierce too (for justice, her heart is always in the right place) as well as intellectual and innovative – truly, it is hard to find high quality readers out there, but I just keep coming back to Jane's channel for when I need to chill out and unwind. I wanted to find a card to represent the energy of her channel and I had to go with the Empress card – I was almost going to feature the Magician or High Priestess (she's very much those things too) but this spoke to me more :)) Happy viewing everyone 💕🙏⭐️

Vedic Life Coach
1 year ago - 96 likes

I will still be doing pick-a-card videos, but for a short while, uploads will be random. I'm keeping two decks with me (depicted) and will likely just make videos outdoors. No video this week, I've got some social things to attend, which has been a nice change. I'm very busy with readings as of next week onwards, and in the coming weeks I'll be packing up all my decks to ship to England. I'll keep you all updated as I myself know my plans (haven't got a flight booked, but hoping for end of Feb, let's see). Here's to a beautiful 2023 everyone 💕⭐️🙏

Vedic Life Coach
1 year ago - 48 likes

Pick a card is happening this week, but it's running very late! Normally it is recorded and uploaded by now, but I haven't even recorded it yet! So I should be able to record and edit and upload by this time tomorrow – stay tuned, it's on the way ;))🙏💕⭐️🥳

Vedic Life Coach
1 year ago - 72 likes

Hi everyone, pick a card this week is slightly delayed – it's recorded, I just have to edit it, in amongst a few other things I need to do today, but don't worry, it's on the way. In the mean time, feel free to check out my launch video of the new cards that I'll be using in future pick a card readings (and yes, they're now available to buy!) ;))

Vedic Life Coach
1 year ago - 91 likes

I've discovered some scammers/spammers on my instagram and so have closed the account. I've also closed my Facebook account (which I hardly used anyway). Feeling lighter and freer to get on with creating content for YouTube – perhaps I will make more use of this community post section 🤩🙏 As always, stay tuned, more to come :))

Vedic Life Coach
2 years ago - 75 likes

My dear Pick a card audience – just wanted to let you know, I'm taking a few weeks break from pick a card readings, because I'm using the time to create a tarot deck or two, that will be finally available for everyone to buy. I've received many comments and emails from people saying they love the Vedic Astrology Cards I use, and I'm now going to get them ready so everyone can enjoy them. This might take me some time. I don't know how long exactly, but I feel like when it's spring time here in Aus, that'll be the time for me to bring Pick a card back. In the mean time, I will be building my astrology playlists. Won't be long before pick a card returns – stay tuned and hope to see you in some of the other videos I'll be posting in the coming weeks 💕🙏🤩

Vedic Life Coach
2 years ago - 66 likes

No pick-a-card this week, this time, I have one of those old-fashioned garden-variety colds – so I'm trying to rest, though that is difficult, because I'm also enjoying creating the next Master's Episode which is half way made already (anyone want to meet an Indian Princess?) 😆🤩 Hopefully I'm back next week, let's see :))🙏

Vedic Life Coach
2 years ago - 54 likes

No pick-a-card this week, taking some much needed rest, so I'm refreshed and back next week :)) Today is the full Moon, hope everyone gets a good night's rest tonight. It's in Virgo (as per Sidereal Vedic) – no wonder I want to do lots of cleaning! I will this weekend when my energy's back up a bit 😆🙏💕