Click this if you're sad
Don't worry I'm here for you if you feel lonely or want to cry think of something that cheers you up
If you lost a loved one just remember the good times you had with them they will never be forgotten
I'm here for you to try and cheer you up if you feel like no one cares about you there are people that do
If someone is angry at you it's not your fault don't blame it on anyone else it will make things worse
If you ever feel like nothing good is happening in life just know something great will happen soon
Might be in a day might be in a week might be in a year there are people that care about you whether it be in your friends family
Or others you are perfect just the Way you are if someone is being mean texting you horrible things just ignore them or block them
I hope this helps also I recommend watching silly cat videos it will make you smile I hope stay safe buddy you mean the world to me
This message is for everyone