Writer // Comedian // StreamerYouTuberScholarPoetADHDReaderClownAllySillyGoose
Riley E. Smith is an author & comedian who brings warmth and wit to a variety of genres. She loves crafting colorful characters to be your new bff, and describing whole worlds so distinct you could fall into them. As a YouTuber, she shares her greatest loves: cartoons, books, and comedy.
Riley earned her BA in English Literature with a Distinction in Research on the strength of her thesis, an overly long exploration of Bugs Bunny’s performance persona.
Since college, Riley has worked diligently at whatever took her fancy, including poetry, plays, and novels. She is an award-winning improv comedy player and teacher, and a budding clown, because in order to face our fears, we must become them.
Riley would love to conduct your next grand adventure, whether you want to solve a murder, fall in love, topple an empire… or have an elegant afternoon tea. Find her books on Amazon, or follow on Patreon for more!