Yankar Gonzalez, trombonista compositor y profesor de trombon y música nacido en Cuba residiendo en Houston TX. Artista de King Trombones de Conn & Selmer. Actualmente trombone principal de Joel Osteen Ministries at Lakewood Church, y del artista Ricardo Montaner al mismo tiempo que ayuda a muchos estudiantes y músicos en general a ser mejores instrumentistas también como aprender cada día mas acerca del trombon a travez de su canal de Youtube.
Yankar Gonzalez is a cuban trombonist composer and clinician living in Houston TX. Conn & Selmer King Artist. Currently principal trombonista of Joel Osteen Ministries at Lakewood Church also touring with artist Ricardo Montaner as well as helping many students and musicians around the world become better instrumentalists and better musicians all around through his YouTube channel.