Professional Guitarist ,Writer, Published author, Editor-at-large for Cry Of The Wolf Magazine, ( Father, Husband, Guitarist/vocalist for Gemini Wolves. If you search hard enough you can find a book of poems published entitled "Poems for the Mentally Curious". Writer of sword and sorcery fantasy stories. check out tule fog press issue 12…
Playing guitar since 16 years old. First band was called RESISTANCE, then the power metal band, WITCH MEADOW. Produced two albums. In 2014 Dive bomb records released a compilation album featuring all recorded known songs. You can hear them on Spotify, cdbaby, and Tribunal records, Itunes, Iheartradio, etc. Performed all over the new England area.
contact: Metal Rising Productions c/o
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"Not every song is about a wolf, but every wolf has a song"