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The Planted Tank

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The Planted Tank
1 week ago - 71 likes

βœ…This aquarium has reached the 2.5 month mark! What a difference. Very much so enjoying this jungle in here. Still need to add some fish. Wanting to add something different and unique. Any unique fish ideas?! Also, thoughts on this setup or questions? Let me know!πŸ’š


The Planted Tank
1 month ago - 29 likes

βœ… What's up my fellow plant lovers! Fine. I'll show you my latest tank. πŸ˜… been thoroughly enjoying this whole setup. From the Lighting all the way down to my old custom stand. Still lots of filling in to do. Two photos. From March 24th being day one to today. Approximately 6 weeks of growth under the Fluval 3.0.. I've always loved these lights. Especially with Fluval Stratum sub straight and co2, you just can't fail. Light is running at 100% with the blues turned off. What do you think? Hope you are all doing well! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

The Planted Tank
2 months ago - 27 likes

Okay. I tried guys. I'm almost positive my water here at the new place is what's been giving me so many issues. I'll be getting a RODI unit soon and mixing my own water. And after doing that I'll let you know if I notice any difference. (I'm sure I'll notice something.) BUT the crypt tank once again did now work out. Everything was going so good and then BAM! Crypt melt. They all died and did not come back. So! The new scape is up and running using some good ole fluval stratum! I don't want to spoil how the tank looks but I think I found my favorite lighting setup ever. The stands are DIY and surprisingly very strong and doesn't worry me at all. You guys know I've always loved fluval lights so I bit the bullet and ordered another one. The light I was using was very expensive at $220. To say the very least. It was very disappointing. I'll get more into that with a video explaining everything. Long story short I will be posting a video this weekend. Might mention some things about my personal life so you can understand why I don't post much anymore. Hope you all are doing well!!

The Planted Tank
5 months ago - 51 likes

Plants finally showed up! βœ… debating weather or not I should use any hardscape material. πŸ€” what do you think?

The Planted Tank
5 months ago - 42 likes

βœ… Just waiting on my plants to ship at this point. One thing I just want to touch on. This is my first time ever trying out the slow moving under gravel filter ( Plenum Anoxic filtration yada yada ) and this tank went from super cloudy from using SafeTSorb substrate ( 100% clay ) to insanely clear water in only a matter of two hours. Blew my mind. And of course I had to go with my go to DIY lighting. This tank will be featuring ONLY Crypts!!!! I'm super pumped about this one! πŸ’š

The Planted Tank
5 months ago - 41 likes

βœ… I don't think I've ever been this excited to setup a planted tank. I'm going to be using SafeTsorb ( pretty much baked kitty litter ) as my substrate and will have a PLENUM ( slow moving UG filter ) it will be a cryptocoryne only tank! Have a ton of plants on order ( maybe too many lol ) from Buce Plant and will be using CO2 like always. But I'm very excited! Should be able to set it up on Wednesday and will be posting a video about how I do it. Happy New Year everyone!!! πŸ’š

The Planted Tank
6 months ago - 79 likes

These DIY Lights destroy every lighting system on the market right now for Planted Aquariums. Going to be wiring in some in-line dimmers soon. Would you like to see a detailed video about these? I'm in love with them. Love the color reproduction. Looks very natural!

The Planted Tank
6 months ago - 46 likes

I just had to remove a lot of the water sprite. It was already starting to get out of hand and was blocking too much light from the Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus. The Pogostemon has started to grow new shoots and I'm excited to see that middle section fill out. Notice anything else different in the tank? Let me know if you spot anything in the comment section! πŸ’š

The Planted Tank
6 months ago - 82 likes

Guys. This is less than a week of growth with a GRAVEL substrate. Anyone who tells you that you can't have a planted tank with just gravel is just simply full of s*** or they aren't educated enough to talk about the subject. If you go back and watch the video I posted last week and then compare it with this photo. The difference is night and day and it's only been a week! The key here is plant selection. There are an enormous amount of plants that can thrive in aerobic conditions such as this tank here. You guys know I love my dirted tanks and my aqua soil. But there are plenty of different ways to enjoy this beautiful hobby. Start experimenting and doing research. It'll only benefit you. If there's no information regarding what you are trying to research, just go for it and do the experiment on your own and you'll find the answer. Take what these YouTubers say with a grain of salt because not everything they say are facts. I apologize for the rant.
βœŒοΈπŸ™‚ Don't forget to #KeepItPlanted βœ…πŸ’š

The Planted Tank
6 months ago - 38 likes

I'll be posting a video about this insanely cheap setup at some point today! I don't think I've ever set up a planted aquarium this cheaply before. But this is no doubt a good one. And filterless!!! Low tech with no co2!!! βœ…βœ