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The Lady of Lore

108K subscribers - no pronouns set

Writer. Storyteller. Voice over. Professional content creato

The Lady of Lore
1 week ago - 5 likes

Heyo! For folks who are interested in Hellblade 2 content:

Something went wrong with that video analytically. Which is ok! I'm still learning about what search engines like and dislike. Sometimes it just happens (*cough FatalFrame2 cough*). The algorithm Gods tend to do a lot of day drinking.

In an effort to figure this out, I'm going to de-list the original and post a complete Hellblade 2 video with parts 1 and 2 combined. If you've already seen part 1, the beginning of part 2 will be very clearly marked in the video.

That should be good to go in a few days, then we're back on track for Horizon: Forbidden West. If you still want to watch the original part 1, you can still totally check it out here:

The Lady of Lore
3 weeks ago - 145 likes

Hey! Horizon: Forbidden West is coming up after God of War 2018. There's TONS of content planned for this summer. But I wonder, of the following choices... where do ya'lls favors fall?