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Kevin Jack

232 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hi, I heard Shawn Baker on Joe Rogan in 2017. Since then I'v

San Francisco. Safe City October 12, 2023 Definitely not afraid of the water in winter Father & son Even angels need their sleep Ground beef! A staple in my diet. #carnivorediet #keto #carnivore Perfect form ATG split squats #carnivorediet #keto #carnivore NY steak! Heaven! #carnivore #carnivorediet #keto Egg Pork #carnivorediet casserole How to do nordics. On my way to a full rep. 15 squares this week. Negatives different day #keto Steak! #carnivore #carnivorediet #keto Wiggly Giggly Playground #carnivore #casserole from Primal Edge Health #carnivorecookbook #carnivorediet #zerocarb #keto My kid knows how to shop. #carnivorediet #carnivore #liondiet Beef casserole and a nice ghee covered steak today. #carnivorediet #carnivore #75hard Father & Son Cody & I just wreaked dadda's diet by eating grandpa's chocolate! Oh well, I'm sure we can handle it A piece of heaven #carnivorediet #carnivore #liondiet He was getting a set with the X3 Bar NY strips. BBQ. #CARNIVOREDIET Delicious NY strip BBQ #CARNIVOREDIET Sphynx kitten and toddler matching in their Christmas attire #carnivore casserole from @primaledgehealth Carnivore Cookbook #carnivorediet Yum, all I can eat steak. #carnivorediet Reversing out knee pain (ROKP) thanks to @TheKneesovertoesguy My own personal Sphynx cat hairdresser Superman & a Sphynx kitten to kick it with Thanksgiving weight gain! Holy.... Back to meat & water #carnivorediet Look at my Sphynx kitten Nice sunset in Fort Bragg California USA this evening Fire sky in Fort Bragg California USA My wonderful son, @codyjackbirchfield6367 Never wash your own hair again... Get a Sphynx cat First 5 minutes of my morning routine Carnivore Crisps toddler taste test. Yes, he ate more. They're good. #carnivorediet 3+ pound medium-rare chuck roast steaks. Sous vide 48 hours! Tender, juicy #carnivorediet Searzall torch to sear sous vide NY steaks #carnivorediet A Sphynx kitten on my shoulder.... My buddy Sphynx kitten eating out of a giant bowl of food Barefoot foot walking with Cody Jack & Joshua Dogg #75hard #carnivore #fitness Daily grounding that also toughens my feet Grillblazer Gun! Searing 3+ pound steaks San Francisco California, Hawk Hill sunrise Heavenly gift from God #carnivorediet #75hard #bacon Carnivore order at In-N-Out Burger for OMAD, or not. ATG Kneesovertoesguy type training. Exercise, Fitness, Health, Fort Bragg California - - -STRENGTH TEST HAMSTRINGS - - - I can nearly get full Nordics. By the end of the year. 10$ A GALLON OF GAS IN CALIFORNIA! Yes, where I live! Mendocino