Welcome to MAT Energy Vibes YouTube Channel by Evette Rose.
Here you will join Evette to learn how to understand your emotions towards your decision in life. Evette Rose will be discussing how to take advantage of this powerful moon phase along with understanding the physical, forecasting about this month and #emotional_challenges that can come up during this time and ... and the BEST part yet, how to heal these underlying challenges with Evette Rose’s guided session specially designed for this #moon_phase.
Call your power back during these powerful moon phases and embrace the beautiful flow of energy coming in.
Evette is an Author & Founder of Metaphysical Anatomy Technique, to know more about her & her life changing technique, check her other YT channel: www.evettevideos.com/
Also you can find out more about this Technique here: www.metaphysicalanatomy.com/
Be the Light That you Are