IBS DEETS is a channel that contains research material related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Content that contains research work of experts and scientists on IBS and how to get rid of this disorder in possible ways.
In this channel you can find different possible information regarding easy living with IBS. These information can be in the form of daily routine, food and drinks and overall behavioral adjustments that can helpful in IBS. We are trying to add data only from authentic sources and from experts.
Our respectable experts are:
1. Dr. Muhammad Zubair Chaudhary
Consultant physician
M.B.B.S. (Pb), F.C.P.S. (Medicine), S.C.E (UK)
Member European Society of Endocrinology
2. Dr. Muhammad Khan Malik
Consultant physician
M.B.B.S. (Pb), F.C.P.S. (Medicine)
Head Liver Center DHQ hospital Sargodha
3. Syeda Noor-ul-Ain Naqvi
MSc (Hons), Food science From University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Pakistan.
For Any practical information Contact us.
Dr. Abadullah Sajid Bashir