PB. Sigmatebet berisi para pemain pemula yang belajar secara mandiri (otodidak) dan selalu memperbaiki kekurangan permainan dari video-video yang telah diupload sebelumnya sebagai bahan instropeksi diri...
Video-video yang diupload merupakan video dengan reli-reli yang menarik dan seru bagi kami. Dalam video tersebut banyak keseriusan dan sedikit humor yang menghibur penonton youtube.
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PB. Sigmatebet contains beginner players who learn independently (self-taught) and always fix the shortcomings of match from videos that have been previously uploaded as material for self-reflection...
The uploaded videos are videos with rallies that are interesting and exciting for us. In the video there is a lot of seriousness and a little humor that entertains the YouTube audience.
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