👏Roxanne Liu is a distinguished real estate agent with 18 years of award-winning success, specializing in residential properties, development projects, and site acquisitions.
🌟Starting her career in Brisbane’s southern suburbs, Roxanne now serves as Director of Site Acquisitions and Projects at Ray White AKG. Her notable work includes The One Residences (249-unit CBD development) and Winifred Rise (21-lot land project).
🌟Fluent in English and Mandarin, Roxanne is a trusted negotiator, adept at bridging landowners and developers across Brisbane, Park Ridge, and Ipswich’s competitive markets.
👏Roxanne Liu 在地產界擁有18年以上的豐富經驗。她是多次榮獲業界大獎,排名全球 2.5% 並曾榮獲終身成就獎的頂尖房地產經紀人。
🌟精通中英文的 Roxanne 地產生涯始於布里斯本華人南區,目前擔任 Ray White AKG 公司的土地收購和開發項目總監。過去代理的項目包括 TheOne Residences - 249 套市中心精品住宅大樓項目和 Winifred Rise - 21塊 Kuraby 土地項目。她的專業知識和豐富人脈,使她成功地為許多地主找到合適的開發商,包含 Brisbane,Park Ridge,以及 Ipswich 等地區。