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The most common regrets and what to do about them : Life Kit : NPR
Things like, not saving money for retirement. Not getting a certain degree, not exercising and eating right to take good care of your body. Moral regrets: Regrets in which you did the wrong thing

The 25 Biggest Regrets In Life. What Are Yours? - Forbes
2. Standing up to bullies in school and in life. Believe it or not, a lot of our biggest regrets in life have to do with things that happened to us in grade 4 or some other early age. We never

The 6 Most Common Regrets People Experience | Psychology Today
Key points. Intense, long-term regrets often stem from poorly made big life decisions. The biggest regrets tend to relate to social relationships, research suggests, while the most enduring

How to Cope With Regret - Verywell Mind
Regret is an aversive emotion that can be difficult to overcome. "Accept life, and you must accept regret," said the philosopher Henri-Frédéric Amiel. While regret is an unavoidable consequence of living life and making choices, you can find ways to cope with these feelings and even turn them into opportunities for growth.

How to Get Over Regret: Tips, Benefits, and More - Psych Central
2. Draw something positive from the experience. In many cases, regret can be valuable. Your regret might teach you a valuable life lesson. For example, if a friend passes away and you regret not

How to Get Over Regrets and Move Forward - Verywell Mind
If you're feeling regret over something from your past, know you're not alone in feeling this way. Everyone has something (or many things) that they regret. However, there are ways to heal and move forward by showing yourself understanding. If that's too difficult, enlist the help of a mental health professional. A therapist can help you manage

The Psychology of Regret | Psychology Today
Regret, like all emotions, has a function for survival. It is our brain's way of telling us to take another look at our choices—a signal that our actions may be leading to negative consequences

How to Deal With Regret | Psychology Today
Here are a few tips to reduce regret in life: Practice acceptance. Accepting negative emotions like regret may help decrease these negative emotions (Shallcross, Troy, Boland, & Mauss, 2010). Map

Living with Regret: 5 Tips to Cope | Psych Central
1. Forgive yourself. Regret often stems from the inability to cope with thing you did or didn't do. You might think you deserve the self-criticism and negativity, but that's not true. Instead

Regret can be all-consuming - a neurobehavioral scientist explains how
That is, we can regret the things we did - or we can regret the things we did not do. Research suggests that action-related regrets, although painful, spur people to learn from their mistakes

It's Time to Make Peace with Your Regrets - Harvard Business Review
Regret is an emotion we're all familiar with and it surfaces with action as well as inaction. We tend to feel regret about the things we haven't done (missed opportunities) more intensely than

The 9 Most Common Regrets People Have At The End Of Life
Your job is important, but there are other things in life that are just as important. 4. They wish they had taken more risks. Many felt that a fear of failure caused them to play it too safe. They knew that they could have had richer, more fulfilling lives had they taken some risks and disturbed the status quo.

99 Regret Quotes (The Ultimate List of Quotes on Regretting)
19. "Regret is an odd emotion because it comes only upon reflection. Regret lacks immediacy, and so its power seldom influences events when it could do some good." - William O'Rourke. 20. "Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable." - Sydney Harris. 21.

How to Let Go of Regret (Even When It's Hard) | SELF
3. Try to forgive yourself. Regrets are an indication that you have personal standards for how you live your life, but part of being a human being involves occasionally falling short of those

Regret: What Is It and How to Deal With It - The Berkeley Well-Being
For example, we might feel regret for saying something embarrassing or agreeing to do an annoying task for someone else. But these experiences of regret pass rather quickly (Gilovich & Medvec, 1994). It turns out that the things we're most likely to regret are the things we didn't do. Regrets of inaction are stronger and persist longer than

Biggest regrets: Older people share what they'd do differently - TODAY
5. Spending too much time worrying. The elders deeply regret worrying about things that never happened or things they had no control over. "Life is so short. What you will regret is weeks or

115 Regret Quotes To Help You Forget (And Move Forward)
The pain of inaction stings longer than the pain of incorrect action. James Clear. Having regrets when you gave everything is wasted time. Maxime Lagacé. Never regret anything that made you smile. Mark Twain. We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.

50 Common Regrets People Have in Their 50s - Best Life
Speaking of fulfillment, not going after your dream job is a very common regret for people over 50, as they approach retirement age. According to a 2016 survey of 3,000 Americans by life insurance company Allianz, 38 percent of study subjects admitted that they wished they had taken more career risks.

How to Overcome Serious Regrets: 11 Research-Backed Tips - wikiHow
Offer your apology but ask nothing in return: "I really regret what happened. For what it's worth, I wish I'd treated you better." Then, support your words with actions and commitment: "I wasn't there for you when you needed it, but I promise to support you better in the future." 6.

How to Deal with Regret: 8 Ways to Benefit and Move Forward - Tiny Buddha
1. Identify and address your weaknesses. When we acknowledge our weaknesses, there's often an implied sense of judgment, as if we should never make any mistakes. The alternative is to accept that everyone makes mistakes and then focus on what we can do differently going forward.

What to Do If Emotions Make You Do or Say Things You Regret
1. Use a pleasurable activity to distract yourself. Call or text a friend. Exercise. Some people find that going for a run blows off a ton of steam and is great for calming reactive emotions. Cook

How Regrets Can Help You Make Better Decisions - Greater Good
Or, if we regret yelling at our child when angry, we may take a breath the next time we're upset and respond with compassion. Our regrets can teach us about ourselves, help us to avoid repeating mistakes, and encourage us to make better decisions in the future. On the other hand, if we use our regrets to beat ourselves up, or if we ignore

The Most-Common Regrets From People Nearing End of Life 2023 - Well+Good
Beyond the things they regret not doing, people nearing the end of their life also have one common realization: Love is all that truly matters, O'Hara says. People often wish they had realized

15 Common Regrets Through the Years as We Gain More Wisdom - MSN
As we age and gain experiences and wisdom, we confront two possible outcomes about our past: contentment or regret (or, more often, a mix of both). Mistakes are an inherent aspect of life, and it

Phrases that are often people's last regrets: What we can learn - CNBC
Most people have one of five regrets when they die, says author and ex-palliative care worker Bronnie Ware. Here's what you can learn from them about happiness.

Ryan Seacrest Reportedly Regrets 'Wheel of Fortune' Gig ... - TheThings
There was controversy when Ryan secured the hosting gig, since it was estimated he's making tens of millions. It was exposed that Vanna White, who's been co-hosting with Sajak since Wheel of Fortune's inception, hadn't seen a pay raise in nearly two decades.. Vanna lawyered up and was reportedly prepared to leave the show before they negotiated a new pay for her behind closed doors.

Rachel Lindsay regrets not having a prenup amid divorce
Former Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay has admitted she regrets not getting a prenuptial agreement as she works to finalize of her divorce from Bryan Abasolo.. Revealing that things have been

Every Parent's Biggest Regret | Psychology Today
Parenting Every Parent's Biggest Regret A crucial realization for better connecting with your adult child. Posted June 7, 2024 | Reviewed by Monica Vilhauer