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Why Do Good People Suffer While Bad People Get Away With Crimes?
Abu Yahya Suhayb ibn Sinan said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'What an extraordinary thing the business of the believer is! All of it is good for him. And that only applies to the believer. If good fortune is his lot, he is grateful and it is good for him.

What Islam says about Hurting others - Quran Explorer
Islam has truly discouraged such acts which could hurt other, as Allah has clearly stated such act as "open sin". "As for those who hurt/abuse/humiliate/do unjust with believing men and women unjustifiably, they will definitely bear the guilt of slander and blatant sin [33: 58]" . A true Islamic community entails that individuals look

How Islam Deals With Sadness and Worry (part 1 of 4): The Human
God knows what is best for His creation. He has complete knowledge of the human psyche. He knows of the pain, the despair, and the sadness. God is whom we are reaching for in the darkness. When we put God back on our agenda, the pain will subside. "Verily, in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest." (Quran 13:28)

Legitimate Reasons to Speak Bad of Others - IslamQA
Ranting is done out of vengeance and anger, whereas trying to solve a problem is done to protect oneself or someone else, or (ideally) purely for the sake of Allah. Ranting about an individual is sinful and constitutes backbiting. Trying to solve a problem is part of commanding the right and forbidding the wrong.

The truth about whether Islam is a religion of violence or peace
EPA/STR. Islam has a history of violence. Muslims can be violent. Denying this is not at all different to denying that Islam is peaceful and that all Muslims are pacifists. The dichotomy is simply

Islamophobia: 9 tropes about Muslims | CNN
6. Muslims worship Allah, their own special god. Allah is the Arabic word for "God," not a special and specific god that Muslims worship. "Muslims worship the god of Abraham, the same god

Islam Is a Religion of Violence | United States Institute of Peace
The key question is not whether Islam is a religion of peace, but rather, whether Muslims follow the Mohammed of Medina, regardless of whether they are Sunni or Shiite. Today, the West is still struggling to understand the religious justification for the Medina ideology, which is growing, and the links between nonviolence and violence within it.

This study obliterates the myth that Muslims are more violent
Predominantly, Muslim countries average 2.4 murders per annum per 100,000 people, compared to 7.5 in non-Muslim countries. ... If Islam itself were in fact the key cause of Islamist terrorism, you

The Devastating Mental Health Effects of Islamophobia | TIME
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has reported 1,283 bias incidents against Muslims since the violence in the Middle East escalated and has tracked hundreds of inflammatory posts

Five things lots of people get wrong about Islam - BBC News
Muslims use the word to describe three different kinds of struggle: - A believer's internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible. - The struggle to build a good Muslim society

Psychologists have found a way to reduce anti-Muslim prejudice
People who engage in collective blame of Muslims are more likely to agree with statements like, "We should ban the wearing of the Islamic veil," and, "We should ban the opening of any new

I am having a lot of bad thoughts, what should I do? - IslamQA
This could be done through exposing the mind to things which develop bad thoughts. For example one should be careful of the material one reads or sees. A bad read or an impermissible sight will develop evil thoughts. If one experiences involuntary bad thoughts then one should ignore them. This is done by conditioning the mind.

The perfect response to people who blame Islam for ISIS - Vox
The perfect response to people who blame Islam for ISIS. by Max Fisher. Nov 14, 2015, 1:09 PM PST. CNN. When people talk about ISIS and Islam, as they are today and will surely be for some time in

Cursing and Speaking Ill of the Dead - IslamQA
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: لاَ تَسُبُّوا الأَمْوَاتَ فَتُؤْذُوا الأَحْيَاءَ. "Do not abuse the dead and thus hurt the living.". [3] The Prophet (PBUH) encouraged covering up the bad deeds of the dead and speaking about the good things, as can be seen from the following hadith

6 Signs of a Toxic Friendship - Muslim Girl
Toxic friends are people that are subtly, perhaps even subconsciously, trying to ruin us. Their actions and words are what's causing us pain and often, we brush these things under the rug and blame our lack of energy and happiness on outside sources. Instead of inspiring you to do and be better, they bring you down.

Islamophobia: 11 Practical Tips On How To Deal With It.
Below are 11 tips on how to deal with Islamophobia. Islamophobia is nothing new. Allah even mentions it in Surah Al 'Imran in the Qur'an. You will surely be tested in your possessions and in

Five things lots of people get wrong about Islam - BBC News
Muslims use the word to describe three different kinds of struggle: - A believer's internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible. - The struggle to build a good Muslim society

Top 10 Bizarre or Ridiculous Fatwas - Listverse
With no centralized Islamic religious authority like a Pope or Dalai Lama, pretty much any Muslim "scholar" can create a fatwa, a religious edict for ... Most fatwas are harmless and a little mundane, but lately, some Islamic jurists have gone straight crazy. SEE ALSO: Top 10 People Who Give Islam a Bad Name. 10. Sun and Earth. The Fatwa:

Antisemitism in Islam - Wikipedia
Some of this overlaps with Islamic remarks on non-Muslim religious groups in general. With the rise of Islam in Arabia in the 7th century CE and its subsequent spread during the early Muslim ... But the Quran differentiates between "good and bad" Jews, ... Some of the people of the Sabbath were punished by being turned into apes and swine. Some

Top 10 People Who Give Islam a Bad Name - Listverse
Islam is the second-largest religion (Christianity is the largest) in the world and one of the fastest growing. While there have been very good Muslims, some have been very bad. This list, in a sense, is a response to the earlier lists of Top 10 People Who Give Christianity a Bad Name and Top 10 People who give Atheism a Bad Name. It is not meant as a commentary on Islam itself - merely ten of

Dealing with Negative Feelings and Self-Confusion in Islam
A: You should not pay attention nor get affected through people's opinions and comments because it is not possible for one to please everybody at the same time. Rather keep Allah Ta'ala in mind all the time. This will guard you against people's negative opinions and comments. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Answered by:

Bad Dreams and What They Mean - IslamQA
Answer: Wa alaykum assalam wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuh. Some dreams carry meanings, and others are merely subconscious processing and filtering of emotions, stimuli, memories, and information absorbed from the waking state. Other dreams are inspired by God, and others are from the whispering of the devil. Some dreams are true and some are false.

1. It is said that if someone says bad things or gossips about a muslim
It is said that if someone says bad things or gossips about a muslim, - IslamQA. 1. It is said that if someone says bad things or gossips about a muslim, then a person's sins are forgiven. What if a non-muslim does that, are some of our sins forgiven then too? Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Scholar: Shaykh Ebrahim Desai.