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25 temas de debate (interesantes y polémicos) - Estilonext
10. Pena de muerte. Si bien no se aplica en todos los países, la pena de muerte es un tema de fácil debate. Las opiniones son diversas. Hay quien cree que es una forma justa de castigar ciertos crímenes, mientras que otros lo ven como un "ojo por ojo" que no sirve como castigo disuasorio.

Más de 125 opiniones controvertidas para todos los ... - AhaSlides
Explorar opiniones controvertidas puede ser fascinante y estimulante, desafiar nuestras creencias y llevarnos a cuestionar el status quo. Las más de 125 opiniones controvertidas en esta publicación cubren varios temas, desde política y cultura hasta comida y moda, y brindan un vistazo a la diversidad de perspectivas y experiencias humanas.

Opinion | The Biggest Debates and Opinions in 2022 - The New York Times
Inflation made life expensive in 2022, and the Federal Reserve came to the rescue by raising interest rates for the first time in years. But it's a finicky process: Raise them too little and

50 temas para debatir: polémicos, controversiales e interesantes
Son preguntas fácilmente debatibles en este tema. 3. Los celulares deberían ser prohibidos en escuelas y sitios de trabajo. Es uno de los mejores temas para un panel de discusión. Ya se ha comprobado las ventajas y desventajas del uso de teléfonos celulares, tanto en escuelas como en sitios de trabajo.

Opinion | 2021: Covid, Wokeness and Other Debates That Defined the Year
Illustration by Shoshana Schultz; photographs by kruraphoto and Palomita, via Shutterstock. Film editors, graduate students, Froot Loops cereal makers, nurses, coal miners. In 2021, tens of

Los 70 temas de debate más controvertidos para pensadores ... - AhaSlides
Los temas de debate controvertidos son temas que pueden generar fuertes opiniones y desacuerdos entre personas con diferentes creencias y valores. Estos temas pueden cubrir varios temas, como problemas sociales, política, ética y cultura, y pueden desafiar las creencias tradicionales o las normas establecidas.

Las 10 controversias que dividen las opiniones sobre el covid-19
Sep 30, 2020. Las 10 controversias que rodean al coronavirus. Desde el uso de máscaras, los medicamentos para manejar el coronavirus y la misma existencia del covid-19, en este episodio, el

Debatable - The New York Times
The debate continues. By Spencer Bokat-Lindell. Spencer Bokat-Lindell. U.S.-China Relations Keep Getting Worse. Do They Have To? The spy balloon affair is just the latest episode in the longer

Las duras críticas a la Madre Teresa de Calcuta de quienes ... - BBC
La recientemente nombrada "santa" por el papa Francisco, Teresa de Calcuta fue un ícono en la lucha contra la pobreza en India. Pero no todos alaban su trabajo. ¿De qué la acusan sus críticos?

Cuatro polémicas tecnológicas y científicas que marcaron el 2019
Entre los temas controversiales de 2019 están el 5G, los cigarrillos electrónicos, el veto estadounidense a Huawei y la modificación que un científico chino hizo al ADN de dos menores.

Polémicas en EL PAÍS
Todas las noticias sobre Polémicas publicadas en EL PAÍS. Información, novedades y última hora sobre Polémicas.

Controversial Opinions - Reddit
One side is filled with insecurity and feels attacked and gets on the irrational defensive (misogyny). The other half is extremely happy to see the slow changes and is hoping that this comes quickly so that finally every human is happy and I'm willing to adopt to that society that comes with full resolve.

The Best Controversial Topics for Debates and Essays - PrepScholar
Pro #3: Controversial Issues Capture Attention. Tackling a subject like mass incarceration, the death penalty, or abortion is a good way to get your audience to sit up and take notice. People want to hear your opinion to see how it does—or doesn't—match their own.

Controversia: tema, información y noticias Controversia | CNN
Santos y más ganadores controversiales del Nobel de Paz ¿Música antipolicía? Crece controversia sobre Beyoncé Controversia por tazas rojas de Starbucks para Navidad EE.UU. Mundo

Controversial Opinions Examples & How to Express Them - My Speech Class
Controversial opinions are often a reason for heated debate and form two opposing opinions. The word controversy means "going the opposite way" (from contra - opposite and versial - direction). It is important to note that there's rarely a "right" or "wrong" controversial opinion. After all, we're talking about opinions, not

95 Controversial Opinions That Will Divide Your Friends
Not every controversial opinion or controversial statement is going to outrage people. Some unpopular opinions, such as whether pineapple should be allowed on pizza, aren't exactly ground-shattering. But then there are unpopular opinions that revolve around immigration rights and how to treat people seeking asylum that will have your family

125+ Controversial Opinions For All Real Live Scenarios - AhaSlides
Top Controversial Opinions. The Beatles are exaggerated. Gender is a social construct rather than a biological component. Nuclear energy is a necessary part of our energy mix. Friends is a mediocre TV show. It is a waste of time to make the bed. Harry Potter is not a great book series.

40 Temas de Debate para exponer en tertulias de clase - Psicología y Mente
14. Las drogas en la sociedad. Este es otro de los temas de debate más relevantes para los jóvenes, ya que muchos adolescentes caen en problemas de drogadicción o se ponen en peligro por abusar de los estupefacientes. El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas es algo relativamente frecuente en la sociedad actual.

controversia - Diccionario de la lengua española | RAE - ASALE
1. f. Discusión de opiniones contrapuestas entre dos o más personas. 2. f. Cuba. contrapunteo (‖ acción de contrapuntear, cantar versos improvisados).

Controversia - Qué es, definición, tipos y usos
Controversia, del latín controversĭa, es una discusión entre dos o más personas que exhiben opiniones contrapuestas o contrarias. Se trata de una disputa por un asunto que genera distintas opiniones, existiendo una discrepancia entre los participantes del debate. Por ejemplo: "El jugador entró en una controversia con su entrenador al

Unpopular Opinions: 120 Opinions Guaranteed to Spark Debate - TheCoolist
15 Controversial Opinions Guaranteed to Cause Offence. When voicing an unpopular opinion, you know that you could be getting yourself into hot water. Many people take their opinions very seriously. View in gallery. The following collection of unpopular opinions is almost guaranteed to ruffle a few feathers.

175 Unpopular Opinions That Will Make You Scratch Your Head
Unpopular Opinions That Make an Impression. 1. Close relationships with your exes are a healthy part of life. 2. It's better for some couples not to have children. 3. Political correctness is

14 Controversial Opinions Gen Z Holds That Anger Older Generations - MSN
Here are fourteen controversial stances that keep family dinners lively. 1. The 9-to-5 Workday is Outdated. For Gen Z, the traditional 9-to-5 schedule is a relic of the past. They advocate for

Top 70 Controversial Debate Topics For Critical Thinkers in 2024
Controversial debate topics are subjects - that can spark strong opinions and disagreements among people with different beliefs and values. These topics can cover various subjects, such as social issues, politics, ethics, and culture, and may challenge traditional beliefs or established norms. One thing that makes these topics controversial

The controversial cult of the host club in Japan - The Economist
In Kabukicho, a red-light district in Tokyo, four young men surround your female correspondent. Hiragi Saren, a 25-year-old with bleached hair, a black tank top and a silver necklace, sits closest

Ohio GOP using Biden ballot access to kill voters' rights, top Dem says
Ohio House Minority Leader Allison Russo says extremist Republicans don't think the average voter is very smart. Russo says the "foreign money" issue is a lie and a power grab. Russo says the real

China has a point about Taiwan's new leader - Financial Times
Humans may turn out to be the most crucial 'keystone' species of them all; A last gamble for a UK prime minister who has run out of road; The lesson of the great American boom

At Bronx Rally, Trump Turns to Drill Rappers Accused in Murder Plot
Jamaal Kennedy, 35, a Bronx rap artist, echoed Mr. Trump's message that he had done more to help boost the economic prospects of Black people than Mr. Biden or Barack Obama, the nation's first

Taiwan Protesters Gather as Opposition Pushes Contentious Law
Protesters are gathering in Taipei as opposition lawmakers try to push through controversial legislation giving them greater investigative powers and effectively curbing the authority of President