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If you feel stupid, here are 7 undeniable reasons why you're not!
7. You're your own biggest critic. Often, when we say we feel stupid, we're actually worried that the people around us - our family, friends, or colleagues - think we're stupid. As humans, we're very self-centered, so we assume that other people are spending their time thinking about something silly we've done or said.

How to Deal with Feeling Stupid and Improve Your Self-Esteem - wikiHow
Look for the humor in the situation—after all, no one's perfect. [3] For example, if you trip while walking up to your desk, instead of quietly thinking to yourself how stupid you are, make a joke! You might say, "Sorry everybody, this is my first time walking." A joke can break the tension and you can move on. 4.

Why Am I So Stupid? 12 Reasons Why You May Think That and What to Do
What to do about it: The simplest and quickest way to calm and slow down if you're stressed is in my experience to just focus on your breathing. Sit down if possible. Close your eyes. Breathe a little deeper than usual and breathe through your nose. For 2 minutes just focus on your breathing. Nothing else.

How to Overcome Your Deep Insecurity of "I Feel Stupid" - Evelyn Lim
Deborah even found it ironical that she had the belief "I feel stupid" because she eventually did find herself enjoying Math and doing computations. She is also fairly competent in what she does. Yet, the belief "I feel stupid" had stopped her from pursuing opportunities for more than a decade.

Why Anxiety Makes You Feel Stupid and Like a Failure
Anxiety can make you feel like a failure for several reasons. First of all, people with anxiety tend to have poor self-esteem. We don't tend to think very highly of ourselves. We don't like ourselves much, and, subsequently, tend to believe other people don't like us either. We suffer from cognitive distortions and self-stigma.

5 Things to Do If You are Feeling Worthless - Verywell Mind
Speak Kindly to Yourself. People who feel worthless often engage in negative thinking and self-talk. It may be challenging at first, but focus on treating yourself with kindness. When you notice negative self-talk, look for ways that you can reframe those thoughts in a more positive or realistic way.

The 3 Most Common Causes of Insecurity and How to Beat Them
Key points. Insecurity can be based on recent failures: Research shows up to 40% of one's "happiness quotient" is based on recent life events. Social anxiety from being bullied or having

4 Ways to Stop Feeling Worthless I Psych Central
A great way to try this is by using positive affirmations. Try saying things to yourself that will help you get through the day such as: "You are worthy of happiness and deserve to feel peace

Toxic Shame: What It Is and How to Cope - Healthline
Toxic shame opens the door to anger, self-disgust, and other less-than-desirable feelings. It can make you feel small and worthless. It can trickle into your inner dialogue like a poison, locking

A five-step guide to not being stupid - BBC
Sternberg and others are now campaigning for a new kind of education that teaches people how to think more effectively, alongside more traditional academic tasks. Their insights could help all of

5 Thoughts on Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt - James Clear
If you never feel uncomfortable, then you're never trying anything new. In other words, feeling stupid is a good thing. 2. Nobody is rooting for you to fail. Maybe you'll succeed. Maybe you'll fail. For the most part, nobody cares one way or the other. This is a good thing! The world is big and you are small, and that means you can chase

How to Stop Feeling Bad | Psychology Today
Continue moving forward in small steps. You can set a time limit for how long you're willing to allow yourself to feel the uncomfortable feeling. You might start with 10 seconds, then move to 30

Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist
Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist

I Feel Stupid at Work: How to Overcome It - CareerAddict
After obtaining a BA in Media and Communications, she decided to launch her own showbiz-themed website When she isn't busy blogging, Angela is obsessively catching up with reality TV and listening to the latest music. If you're constantly thinking "I feel stupid" at work, then follow this guide on how to overcome it

Does anyone else struggle with "feeling stupid" all the time?
I feel stupid, most of the time, when I'm not actively thinking there's absolutely nothing in my head, to the point I sometimes zone out. When someone asks me a question I have to get back in to my head, process the question and think of an answer - it takes a lot of time.

The Science of Smart: Why You Sometimes Feel Smart And Sometimes Feel
The Science of Smart: Why You Sometimes Feel Smart And Sometimes Feel Dumb. Tuesday, November 27, 2012 The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers. I interview scientists for a living, but I'll

In School and Feeling Dumb? You're Not Alone | Psychology Today
Lev Vygosty (1896-1934), a Soviet psychologist, suggested that all growth, learning, and development occur in the ZPD. It is defined as that area between what we can reliably do alone—what we

13 Signs Your Coworkers Think You're Dumb - Business Insider
Feeling stupid can lead to a vicious cycle. If you think that you're dumb, then others may pick up on your self-critical vibes and go along with it, which in turn leads you to feel even less

Column: Scam victims may feel stupid. And ashamed. And that's perfectly
Business. Column: Scam victims may feel stupid. And ashamed. And that's perfectly normal. Psychologists say being victimized by a scammer can leave you feeling foolish and ashamed. It's

7 Big, Stupid, Destructive Lies Depression Tells You
Here are but a few of the big, stupid, destructive lies depression tells you. 1. "You're not trying hard enough.". Depression will tell you that you are weak and lazy. It will con you into

Feeling Stupid While Learning to Code: Overcoming Self-Doubt in
Feeling stupid while learning to code is a shared experience, but it doesn't have to hold you back. Embrace the challenges, believe in your potential, and maintain a growth mindset.

I Not Stupid 3 role convinces Glenn Yong to have own kids
Singapore actor Glenn Yong used to "shun" children, but after portraying the compassionate teacher Mr Lee in Jack Neo's film I Not Stupid 3, he has had a change of heart. "I feel more fatherly now," he told the media on June 4. "I want to get married and have my own family because I've grown to love kids."

How to Handle People Who Make You Feel Inferior
To sum up, the way you handle people who make you insecure is to turn your attention inward and shore up your own self-esteem. Just because one person leads you to question yourself doesn't mean

"I'm Useless" Syndrome | Psychology Today
PERSON: There's a deeper issue. I feel like a loser. It's tempting to just get stoned and watch the tube or listen to music. ALTER-EGO: Let's grant that you're no superstar but even though some of