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Sunni Documentation on Imam al-Mahdi (as) -
The Prophet (S) said: "al-Mahdi is one of us, the members of the household (Ahlul-Bayt)." Sunni reference: Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4085. It is evident from the above traditions that Imam al-Mahdi (as) is from the Ahlul-Bayt of Prophet Muhammad, so he can not be Jesus (the Messiah; al-Maseeh). Thus, al-Mahdi and Messiah are two different

The Only Authentic Physical Description to Recognize Mahdi
The Only Authentic Physical Description to Recognize Mahdi. Ads by Muslim Ad Network. Dr. Yasir Qadhi. 02 July, 2018. The Prophet said about the only authentic physical description of the Mahdi. Anything else that is mentioned according to the scholars of Hadith is not authentic. The only authentic physical description of the Mahdi is this hadith:

Muhammad al-Mahdi - Wikipedia
Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Mahdi (Arabic: محمد بن الحسن المهدي, romanized: Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al-Mahdī) is believed by the Twelver Shia and Sunni Naqshbandiyya to be the last of the Twelve Imams and the eschatological Mahdi, who will emerge in the end of time to establish peace and justice and redeem Islam.. Hasan al-Askari, the eleventh Imam, died in 260 AH (873-874 CE

4 Authentic Hadiths About The Mahdi | About Islam
4- The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: Al-Mahdi will be of my stock, and will have a broad forehead, a prominent nose. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years. ( Abu Dawud) Click the link below to submit your article with us. The arrival of Mahdi bothers me a

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Special specifications of Imam al-Mahdi (as) -
بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ In the previous part, I provided extensive traditions from the six authentic Sunni collections concerning the fact that Imam al-Mahdi (as) who is different than Jesus (the messiah) WILL come and he is the descendant of the Prophet (S) and his daughter Fatimah (sa). The traditions further illuminated the fact that

Authenticity of Hadiths Pertaining to Al-Mahdi - Fiqh
1. `Ali Ibn Abi Talib quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: "Al-Mahdi is one of us, the clan of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Allah will reform him in one night." (Reported by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Maqah). 2. There were three Hadiths narrated on the authority of Abu Sa`id Al-Kudri (may Allah be

Mahdi | Definition, Islam, & Eschatology | Britannica
Mahdi, in Islamic eschatology, a messianic deliverer who will fill earth with justice and equity, restore true religion, and usher in a short golden age before the end of the world. Not mentioned in the Quran itself, the concept is sometimes questioned by Sunni theologians but plays an important role in Shi'ism. ... In 686, al-Mukhtār ibn

Who is Imam Al Mahdi? - IslamQA
Imam Al Mahdi has been mentioned in the authentic traditions, and his coming will be one of the major signs of the hour of Judgment. Regarding this, the Prophet (s.a.w) is reported to have said, 'Even if there remains from this world a single day, Allah will send a man from us who will fill it with justice, just as it was filled with

AL Mahdi In Sunni - Sunni Documentation on Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
This is a bizarre opinion since the issue of prayer of Jesus behind al-Mahdi has been proven strongly via numerous authentic traditions from the Messenger of Allah, who is the most truthful." ... there is a comprehensive narration of the traditions regarding to the appearance of Imam al-Mahdi (AS) and the description of the world before and

10 Things You Didn't Know About Imam Al-Mahdi (A)
Here are ten things you may not have known about Imam al-Mahdi. May Allah hasten his reappearance. Number one: 'Baqiyyatu Allah', a well known scholar by the name of Marhum Sheikh an-Nuri, who died year 1902, lists 182 titles for Imam, alayhi as-salam. Some are more well known than others.

Imam Mahdi according to Sunnis and Shias - IslamQA
The Mahdi whom the Shias refer to is Muhammad al-Mahdi, the so-called twelfth Imam, who was born in 869 CE and was supposedly hidden by God at the age of five (874 CE). They believe he is still alive but has been in hiding, awaiting the time for his return. They believe that when Imam Mahdi was five years old, he fled from his enemies and went

Signs of Mahdi - IslamQA
I would like to know the authentic signs of Imam mahdi. One of the kazzab shakeel bin Haneef (laa-nuthallah alaihi) is blaimed himself as a refered mahdi in our India. Answer In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu 'alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Some of the

Reappearance of Muhammad al-Mahdi - Wikipedia
The reappearance of Muhammad al-Mahdi is the Twelver eschatological belief in the return of their Hidden Imam in the end of time to establish peace and justice on earth. For Twelvers, this would end a period of occultation that began shortly after the death of Hasan al-Askari in 260 AH (873-874 CE), the eleventh Imam.While the miraculously prolonged life of the eschatological Mahdi is

The Appearance of Al-Mahdi - Fiqh
Regarding this topic, Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid, a prominent Saudi lecturer and author, stated: There are more than one authentic hadith indicating that the Mahdi, may Allah be pleased with him, will appear at the end of time.His appearance is one of the portents of the Last Day. Among the hadiths are the following:. 1- Abu Sa`eed Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, reports that

SUNAN ABU-DAWUD, Book 31: The Promised Deliverer (Kitab Al-Mahdi)
He will divide the property, and will govern the people by the Sunnah of their Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and establish Islam on Earth. He will remain seven years, then die, and the Muslims will pray over him. Abu Dawud said: Some transmitted from Hisham "nine years" and some "seven years." Book 31, Number 4274: The tradition mentioned above

Signs of the appearance of the Mahdi - Wikipedia
In some narrations, the appearance of Yamani is mentioned as one of the certain signs of twelfth Imam's reappearance. The fifth Shia Imam, Muhammad al-Baqir, described Yamani in detail in a hadith:"... among these individuals (Sufyani, Yamani and Khorasani) the Yamani is the closest to guidance, for he calls the people to join the Mahdi.When he rises, the trading of weapons will be prohibited

The Life of Imam Al-Mahdi |
This book is the biography of the Twelfth Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (a.s.), also referred to as the Qaim of Aale Muhammad, the Awaited Imam (a.s.) and the Last of the Successors. The book also covers major objections that the opponents of Shias aim against the belief in Imam Mahdi (a.s.), which the respected author, Baqir Sharif Qarashi has refuted in a convincing way.

Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (A.S)
This could be a reference to the fact that by the time al-Mahdi reappears, all continents of the world will have muslim populations. They already do now. After presenting the above proofs from the Quran, the following are authentic traditions from the Prophet of God regarding Imam Mahdi (AS).

Is the Mahdi real or not? - Islam Question & Answer
Answer. Praise be to Allah. There are saheeh ahaadeeth that indicate that the Mahdi (peace be upon him) will appear at the end of time. He is one of the signs of the Hour. Among these ahaadeeth are the following: 1. Abu Saeed al-Khudri reported that the Messenger of Allah (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon Him) said: "At the end of the time of

Al Mahdi in the Sunnah - إسلام ويب
Appearance of Imam Al-Mahdi is one of the signs of the Last Hour which is not mentioned in the Qur'an, but it is mentioned in the sound Sunnah. Many details such as his name; description, the place where he will appear etc. are mentioned in Sunnah. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: " This world will not come to an end unless a man

Mahdi - Wikipedia
The Mahdi (Arabic: ٱلْمَهْدِيّ, romanized: al-Mahdī, lit. 'the Guided') is a figure in Islamic eschatology who is believed to appear at the End of Times to rid the world of evil and injustice. He is said to be a descendant of Muhammad, who will appear shortly before Jesus.. The Mahdi is mentioned in several canonical compilations of hadith, but is absent from the Quran and the two

Duration of Imam Mahdi's rule - IslamQA
A notable amount of slightly differing narrations has indeed been recorded regarding the amount of time that the Mahdi will rule for. Muhaddithun of the past such as Imam Abu Dawud and 'Allamahs: Nu'aym ibn Hammad, Abu 'Amr Ad-Dani, Yusuf ibn Yahya Al-Maqdisi (rahimahumullah) and others have alluded to this in their respective works.