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The most important invention to further the fish keeping hobby
Our hobby has existed in some form for a long time, but the true modern understanding of the hobby owes itself to a number of inventions - let's have a littl

A History of the Hobby by Roger Vitko -
The 1950's. I f we look at the aquarium literature of the mid-50's, we can see a glimpse of our hobby's birth and the challenges of the day. The Innes Book of Exotic Aquarium Fishes from a 1956 printing lists suitable species as the Percula Clown (likely A. ocellaris), the Sargeant Major Damselfish, small brackish water puffers and scats, Jeweled Blennies, Sailfin Mollies, Blue Damsels and

History of fishkeeping - The Aquarium Wiki
The post-war era saw a revolution in various hardware available to enhance the fishkeeping hobby, due to the invention of plastics, and also to the readily available cheap labor source in Japan. Largely, this meant that inexpensive in-tank air-driven box filters could be mass-marketed, as could the more expensive air-driven or even motor-driven

Milestones & Pioneers of The Reef Aquarium Hobby
Most of us who have done this for a while think that "reefkeeping" probably began in Asia in China ore Japan, owing to their proximity to many reefs or Europe where Germany, Italy, Norway and the Netherlands have a long history of keeping fish. And that it probably began in the late 1970's or early 1980's. But they would be wrong.

The Evolution of Fishkeeping: A Complete Timeline from Ancient Times to
1907 - The first pet fish store opens in San Francisco, California. 1920 - The first successful artificial fish food is created, making it easier to feed fish in captivity. 1950s - The aquarium hobby becomes more popular in the United States, with the invention of new technologies such as the air pump, filter, and heater.

100 Years of Fishkeeping: Good Advice Never Grows Old
The last 100 years of aquarium fishkeeping has seen a large increase in the amount of technical information available to the average fishkeeper. Further, great strides have been made in equipment development and manufacturing. Thus keeping an aquarium has come a long way from the year 1900. One would have to admit that maintaining an aquarium

History of the Aquarium & Fish Keeping - Algone
1850 England, marks an important date in history of aquariums. Up until then, fish where kept by rather primitive means. Based on the works of Chemist Priestley and Zoologist Johnson, who realized the plant oxygen relation, Robert Warrington build the first aquarium. His theory was, by building a glass structure filled with sand on the bottom

Inventing the aquarium: a short history - Horniman Museum and Gardens
The first Europeans to enjoy fish as a spectacle watched them swimming in tidal pools and the marble tanks of imperial Roman villas (Brunner, 2011). By the seventeenth century, the fish-keeping culture of East Asia had reached Britain. Diarist Samuel Pepys was shown "fishes kept in a glass of water, that will live so forever." (Pepys, 1665)

When Did Fish Keeping as a Hobby Start? History & Origins
Sumerians. The world's first aquarists were the Sumerians, one of humanity's first civilizations. The Sumerian homeland was in southern Mesopotamia and emerged around 6,000 years ago. The Sumerians kept fish in artificial ponds around 4,500 years ago. It is thought that these first fish were kept as food initially, but when brighter

Historical Overview of Aquarium Keeping | Blessings Aquarium
Aquarium keeping, a hobby beloved by millions around the world, has a rich and fascinating history. From the ornate tanks of the Victorian era to today's high-tech ecosystems, the evolution of aquariums reflects both technological advances and changing human-aquatic relationships. This article takes you on a journey through the enchanting history of aquarium keeping, exploring its origins

History of Fish Keeping as a Hobby -
In the 1960s, fish keeping as a hobby improved as the industry went from glass framed tanks to glass sealed tanks allowing for better waterproofing of the tank. Further innovations include the advent of the acrylic tank, which is more lightweight, more crack resistant and lends itself to different shapes besides the basic rectangle glass tank.

Fish Tanks: What Is Their History and Why Were They Made?
Fish Tanks Direct on Jun 1st 2022. The evolution of the fish tank and its purposes reflects how the world has changed and advanced. What was once a means of survival transformed into a symbol of wealth, and is now a tool of education and a passion for hobbyists. Aquariums can be traced from ancient Mesopotamia to China, across landmasses and

Now and Then: Aquariums thru the Ages - CAS
"In the United States, as of 1996, aquarium keeping is the second-most popular hobby after stamp collecting. In 1999, an estimated 9.6 million US households owned an aquarium. Figures from the 2005/2006 APPMA National Pet Owners Survey report that Americans own approximately 139 million freshwater fish and 9.6 million saltwater fish.

Fishkeeping - Wikipedia
Fishkeepers are often known as "aquarists" since many of them are not solely interested in keeping fish. The hobby can be broadly divided into three specific disciplines, depending on the type of water the fish originate from: freshwater, brackish, and marine (also called saltwater) fishkeeping.

The Evolution of Fishing: From Ancient Times to Today
That was when equipment made of wood, bone, and horn replaced stone-made tools. Archeologists found indented pieces of bones and horns dating back to that period that were supposedly used for hunting and fishing. The traditional-looking ancient fishing hooks appeared in the Maglemose period, around 9 000 - 6 000 BC.

The History of Aquariums and Fishkeeping - DustinsFishtanks
Gosse, a well-respected zoologist, opened the first public aquarium in London, called The Fish House (creative), in 1853. It looked like a big greenhouse from the outside, but the inside was stocked with fish and aquatic invertebrates in glass boxes. And the Victorian public was smitten. Interior of The Fish House (Photo from Zoological Society

Taking hobbyists seriously: The reef tank hobby and knowledge
The coral hobby arose in an era of consistent hobbyist publications and the early years of the internet; this makes it much easier to trace sources and to establish a historical timeline of the hobby. In the fish fancying community, there are gaps in collective memory about the development of techniques and it is difficult to trace the

Fish Keeping Hobby: Brief history of fish keeping
Fish Keeping Hobby. Wednesday, 1 July 2009. Brief history of fish keeping. Posted by Master at 12:00. ... Pepys, in 1665, made a diary reference about the keeping of fishes in the home. However, ichthyology goes back much further than that. The science of ichthyology, the branch of zoology that studies fishes, represents over 2000 years of

How Radar Has Changed Fishing Forever - Scout Boats
The U.S. Signal Corps further tweaked and enhanced the systems, becoming the first to use the term "RADAR" in 1939. It saw rapid advancement during World War II, changing the way naval warfare is conducted. Eventually, radar would become one of the most important inventions for other uses, such as fishing and recreational boating.

Fishkeeping as a Hobby (2024): Essential Tips for Beginners
The practice of keeping fish for both utility and pleasure dates back thousands of years. Sumerians: Around 4,500 years ago, the Sumerians from southern Mesopotamia initiated the keeping of fish in artificial ponds, marking the commencement of this enduring hobby. They are known to be some of the earliest aquarists in the world.

Fishkeeping: The Ultimate Guide To Being An Aquarist - Tankarium
Using an aquarium vacuum, clean the gravel, and siphon off a bucketful of water. Remove the filtration unit from the tank. Take the filter media out of the housing and wash it through in the bucket of dirty tank water. The idea here is to remove any build-up of gunk so that water can flow freely through the system.

P-ISSN: 2394-0506 Ornamental fish rearing and breeding- a new Himachal
Ornamental fish form an important commercial component of aquaculture, providing for aesthetic requirements and upkeep of environment. The hobby of ornamental fish keeping as pets has originated from China during the year 1163. Gold fishes were the first used for hobby which was kept in glass bowls.

Fishing As A Hobby (Benefits, Drawbacks, and How to Start)
A fishing rod is one of the most important pieces of equipment needed to catch fish. 2. Fishing Reel. Used with a spool and axle, the reel is used to deploy and retrieve the fishing line. 3. Lines. This is simply a specially designed cord for fishing. 4. Hooks. These are attached to the line and used to catch fish by hooking into their mouths