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Top 5 Reasons Most College Students Give Up their Christian Faith
The research is scary - studies show that as many as 70% of Christian students leave the church during college. Here are the top five reasons we believe (from talking with hundreds of parents, pastors, and youth workers) most students give up their Christian identity in college. No Grounding — At best, many young believers don't know why

FactChecker: Does College Cause Young Adults to Lose Their Faith?
1) The increase in presence and effectiveness of campus-based ministries like Campus Crusade, InterVarsity, and Young Life. 2) The increase of relativism and the decline of strict scientism, which allows for discussion of faith and spiritual speculation, similar to what Paul experienced at the Aeropagus. 3) An increase in committed evangelical

Will You Lose Your Faith in College? | Desiring God
Try reading with a pen and paper, jotting down insights, questions, and observations, asking God to open your eyes to see truth and to breathe life into his words (Psalm 119:18). Third, find real Christian fellowship. Plug into a church and a small group or on-campus ministry. Intentionally make Christian friends and spend time with them.

How to Stay Christian in College | Desiring God
Prepare for War. First, students, recognize that maintaining a Christian faith is war. First Timothy 6:12 reads, "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life" Ephesians 6:11 reminds us, "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.". "Students, recognize that

Why are so many college students rejecting their faith?
Out of the six, the least effective strategy is that of only giving a person the truth and repeating that truth over and over again. It was less effective than a person not being prepared for the opposition at all. Think of that! So the most effective strategy was this: Teach them the truth. Expose them to the lies that people will use to

How to Stay Christian at College: Three Timeless Truths - Truth For Life
But as a Christian, you know that God holds everything—your worries and your fears, all your years at college and beyond—in His hands. There is no beauty, no meaning, no hope in blind, deterministic forces. But if your times are kept secure in the steadfastly kind hands of the Lord, then you have cause for great hope, no matter your

How to Keep the Faith in College: Advice for Students
Above All. Keep up your daily spiritual routine. Start your day with God. Spend time in prayer and study God's Word between classes or whenever you can. "College may be a turning point in your walk with God—a time when your relationship with Christ either deepens or weakens," explains Budziszewski.

How to Stay Christian on Campus | Desiring God
It's just ordinary, everyday, world-transforming Christianity. The key to staying Christian in any season of life, any place on the planet, any time in history is simply this: being a Christian today. Hearts don't harden all at once, but a day at a time. "If you are a Christian, your most important homework is heart-work.".

How to stay Christian in college | Voice
With intentionality and a few good choices, you can not only stay Christian but also grow in your faith during your college years. So, here are three strategies for staying Christian in college. 1. Join a healthy Gospel-preaching church. Attending a church that preaches the true Gospel message is crucial for maintaining your faith in college.

20 Tips for the Christian College Student - Open the Bible
1. Put the Lord first in all you do. God doesn't have grandchildren. That means your parents' faith (if your parents are believers) needs to become your own - and that doesn't just happen at a Christian school. You can follow Christ at a secular school, you can reject Christ at a Christian school, and vice versa.

19 Ways to Stay Christian in College - Preach It Teach It
1.1K. Michael J. Kruger's book, Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College (Crossway, 2021) is a wonderful resource for high school or college students preparing to live for Christ in a potentially hostile environment. Don't confuse not having an answer with there not being an answer. The two are not the same.

9 biblical harsh truths you need to accept to become a better Christian
8) Suffering has a purpose. No one likes to suffer. It's uncomfortable, painful, and often seems pointless. But the Bible tells us something different. Romans 5:3-4 says, "We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.".

Being a Christian in Today's Student Culture -
What have you about. Being a Christian in Today's Student Culture. Universities are changing fast. We only have to watch the news to realise that the education system is undergoing massive upheaval at every level. In the universities and colleges sector over a third of 18-21 year olds now go on to college, and this is set to rise to nearly 50%

The Hardest Part Of Being A Christian In College - The Odyssey Online
Walking into your first class as a college freshman and listening to your professor start talking about how they are an atheist and that "there is no such thing as God" and that "He is a myth" is a whole new level of scary. Growing up and always attending church on Sundays. Going to church school as a kid. Even learning about religion

Are Christians REALLY That Judgmental? - Preach It Teach It
Christians are also seen as judgmental is because we travel the "narrow road" while most of our culture follows the "broad road.". "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few

7 Biblical Harsh Truths You Need to Accept to Become a Better Christian
Harsh truth no. 2: You will die one day. Harsh truth no. 3: We must endure to be saved. Harsh truth no. 4: You won't be happy by getting but by giving. Harsh truth no. 5: Satan is the god of this world. Harsh truth no 6: We reap what we sow. Harsh truth no 7: There's no substitute to hard work. Accept these harsh truths.

The Difficulty Of Being A Christian In College - The Odyssey Online
College: where you are basically thrown into adulthood, where the dependent have to become independent, and the sheltered become exposed. As if adjusting to a new life style isn't hard enough, being a Christian, and going through college seems next to impossible.

How to Grow Your Faith as a Christian Girl in College | Truthfully
Living out your faith in a world that only preaches against it isn't easy. But deeper faith requires a lot of intentional prayer, seeking after God and a humbled heart. It is one that will throw you under strong waves, but through these challenges, God's love will be poured out into your hearts and give hope.

The Hard Truth About Making Mistakes As A College Christian
College is a place where we find ourselves, a place where we learn from our own mistakes. We have always hated when our parents said, "learn from my mistakes" because if we are being honest, a small part of us wants to make them ourselves. It is our human nature to be stubborn.

21 Harsh Truths No One Tells You About Life After College
11. You will miss college but be happy you're done all at once. Your body can't keep up with the college lifestyle and your sanity can't keep up with that schoolwork. 12. Sometimes you will be sad and cry for no reason. It is what it is. 13. You will be thankful social media exists so you can stay connected with your family and friends.

Harsh truths for my Christian brothers and sisters.
Harsh truths for my Christian brothers and sisters. I'm not trying to be rude when saying these things but these are just truth's that can't be denied if you're a Christian: Mormons/LDS aren't Christian. being a "progressive Christian", doesn't make you a Christian. Being a Unitarian/oneness "Christian" just means you're a heretic, same with

Five Hard and Blunt Truths About College Life in 2024 - Grown and Flown
1. College admissions are only a scary thing if you drink the Kool-Aid. Somewhere along the way, higher education in our country became just another Big Business. The product happens to be education, which we were taught to think of as altruistic, as our kids gain valuable knowledge and skills to be successful.

4 Harsh Truths They Don't Tell You About College Life
You Need Sleep. It may be normal to pull all-nighters or nurse a sleep debt in college but you shouldn't mistake these unhealthy behaviors as a badge of honor. While you have more flexibility in spending your time than in high school, juggling too many commitments or procrastinating may compromise your health and academics.