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7 Consequences of Verbal Abuse | HealthyPlace
7 Consequences of Verbal Abuse. Depression -- Depression is an understandable consequence of verbal abuse, especially prolonged abuse. Common symptoms associated with depression include sadness, hopelessness, feelings of emptiness, trouble sleeping or even oversleeping. You may find yourself unhappy doing things you once loved or feeling like

Why Verbal Abuse Is So Dangerous | HealthyPlace
However, this lack of awareness is contributing to the stigma surrounding domestic abuse in all its forms, so it's important to recognize the dangers. Verbal abuse can lead to: Depression: Verbal abuse will diminish your self-confidence, sense of self, and trust in your own perceptions. The repeated negative comments (along with other abusive

The Hard Side of Verbal Abusive Recovery | HealthyPlace
Recovering from verbal abuse can be a challenging journey, even if the abuse is in your past. For myself, even decades after I distanced myself from those who are verbally abusive, I can become triggered by others who may not be intentionally abusive, but I interpret it as so.. Knowing the difference between actual verbal abuse and other behaviors that may not be ideal can help the healing

Trauma Splitting: One Side Effect of Verbal Abuse | HealthyPlace
Trauma splitting is a side effect for many people in a verbally abusive relationship. Although helpful at first, it should disappear during recovery. Learn more at HealthyPlace.

How to Defend Yourself from Verbal Abuse | HealthyPlace
Keep your voice calm, almost monotone, without yelling or showing extreme emotion. Relax your body, do not appear tense, frightened, scared, or angry. Do not provide extensive explanations to the abuser; they will not listen anyway. Do not use vague or hypothetical situations in your comments to an abuser.

Mental Health Support, Resources & Information | HealthyPlace
We're hardwired with a negativity bias, but we don't have to stay in negativity. Learn what to pay attention to at HealthyPlace. Wondering: Do I have? Experiencing symptoms of mental illness but are unsure of what they mean? Get trusted information, take a psychological test to help determine possible causes and treatments.

Types of Abuse: What are the Different Forms of Abuse? | HealthyPlace
Forms of abuse include: 1. Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse - this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person emotionally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics. Financial abuse - this type of abuse is

Make Your Own Self-Harm Tracker | HealthyPlace
Tracking when you self-harm can give you insight into temporal triggers such as: Time of day —For some people (myself included), being awake late at night by yourself can make self-harm all too tempting. Day of the week —For example, you might be more prone to self-harm at the end of the week when you're feeling tired and stressed.

Mental Health Support, Resources & Information | HealthyPlace
June is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month. Having walked the tough road of gambling addiction recovery, I feel it would be a great injustice not to address one of the most pressing issues—gambling addiction and its profound impact on mental health.

What Are Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Children? - HealthyPlace
A definition of emotional and behavioral disorders in children includes these elements: A pattern of disruptive behaviors and emotions. Intense and often prolonged emotions and behaviors. Inhibited healthy functioning at home, in school, in social situations, and in other settings. Long duration; the behaviors and emotional disturbances must

Psychopathy: Definition, Symptoms, Signs and Causes - HealthyPlace
This checklist identifies the following as the symptoms and signs of psychopathy: Superficial charm and glibness. Inflated sense of self-worth. Constant need for stimulation. Lying pathologically. Conning others; being manipulative. Lack of remorse or guilt. Shallow emotions. Callousness; lack of empathy.

About | HealthyPlace
About Natasha Tracy. is the largest consumer mental health site on the net. We provide authoritative information and support to people with mental health concerns, along with their family members and other loved ones. At, you'll find comprehensive, authoritative information on psychological

Causes of Depression: What Causes Depression? | HealthyPlace
Some examples of environmental and social factors that can contribute to depression are. Loss of a job and a subsequent period of unemployment. Prolonged intense stress. Long-term isolation. Loneliness. Abuse in childhood or adulthood. Experiencing trauma at any age.

Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment | HealthyPlace
Borderline personality disorder treatment typically consists of a combination of psychotherapy and medications. Clinicians may prescribe medications to stabilize mood and any co-occurring conditions. Individuals seeking help should make sure their therapist or doctor has experience treating borderline personality disorder.

Rape Victim Stories: Real Stories of Being Raped | HealthyPlace
Rape victim stories can help others to realize that there are other survivors that have been through exactly what they have and come out the other side a whole person. The following rape stories contain scenes of abuse, sexual assault, incest and violence. The people in these rape victim stories have been badly wounded by these events and yet

'New' HealthyPlace Mental Health Website | HealthyPlace
We've rewritten 6 entire sections of the HealthyPlace website: ADHD, addictions, anxiety-panic, bipolar disorder, depression, eating disorders. Whether you're looking for the basics, in-depth treatment information, how to support someone or where to find support, specific psychological tests, or other mental health information you can trust, we

Finding Group Homes for Mentally Ill Adults | HealthyPlace
Finding group housing for the mentally ill, whether such settings are transitional, supportive, or supported, is well worth the effort. The compassionate and accommodating environments of group housing go a long way in helping people develop the skills they need to transcend the problems created by mental illness. APA Reference.

Mental Health Assessment and Screening Tools | HealthyPlace
Screening is a type of mental health assessment, one completed very early in the therapeutic process. Other assessments, sometimes called measurements, appraisals, or tests, take place throughout the process. In general, mental health assessments are used for: identifying symptoms and problems. creating a mental health treatment plan.

Pro Bulimia: What is Pro Mia? | HealthyPlace
The pro bulimia movement, which is often known as pro-mia or just mia, is part of a movement that claims bulimia is a lifestyle choice and not a mental illness. Pro bulimia proponents seek to promote acceptance of bulimia and they often offer encouragement to bulimics. These pro bulimia or pro-mia individuals deny the horrifying physical

Causes of Self-Injury, Self-Harm, Self-Mutilation | HealthyPlace
As the main reasons for self-injury relate to stress, one of the main environmental components of self-harm is the presence of trauma or stress. This may be past trauma, such as sexual assault, or current stress such as the pressure to succeed. One of the stressors known to create a risk for self-harm is sexual orientation.

Addictions Community | HealthyPlace
If you or a loved one is dealing with drug addiction, alcoholism, or maybe a gambling addiction, food addiction, sex addiction or another type of addiction, we have a lot of information which may help you better understand what's going on and where to get help. Addiction treatment is effective and people do recover from addictions. We also