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Intersectionality in the field of education: A critical look at race
Introduction Macias and Stephens use an intersectional lens to examine the role of race and gender in the treatment, pay, and leadership in education. Intersectionality, a term initially coined by professor Kimberlé Crenshaw, allows for analysis of the compounding, overlapping power structures that disenfranchise women of color. The authors found that women of color, particularly

Intersectionality, Race-Gender Subordination, and Education - JSTOR
Yet a closer look at the way the founders of BLM describe their campaign reveals a far more sophisticated analysis. On their web-site, the BLM founders declare that their movement is explicitly built on principles ... Leonardo: Intersectionality, Race-Gender Subordination, and Education 3 suggestions notwithstanding (Nunez, 2014), and therefore

Intersectionality, Race-Gender Subordination, and Education
Intersectionality has been generative for scholars in at least three ways. First, the concept has inspired scholar-activists to look for identities and forms of subordination made invisible by hegemonic formulations, and to develop increasingly sophisticated and nuanced understandings of social formations.

Race and Gender Intersectionality and Education | Oxford Research
Accepting the notion that White supremacy and eugenics science established its roots into all levels of education, intersectionality unveils how contemporary forms of racial violence play out in educational settings to uniquely impact Black girls who exist at the intersection of race, class, and gender oppression.

Intersectionality: how gender interacts with other social identities to
At this academic gathering, intersectionality was a major topic at a daylong session about gender. Here are three lines of research illustrating how gender interacts with other social identities

Intersectionality in the field of education: A critical look at race
Research indicates that race and gender have remained issues that impact teachers and educational leaders; additionally, these issues intersect to create barriers for women of color. Considering the current shifts created by a coming teacher shortage, specific analysis of issues faced by Latina educators are presented through a framework of

Intersectionality, Race-Gender Subordination, and Education
In this chapter, we unpack intersectionality as an analytical framework.First, we cite Black Lives Matter as an impetus for discussing intersectionality's current traction. Second, we review the genealogy of "intersectionality" beginning with Kimberlé Crenshaw's formulation, which brought a Black Studies provocation into legal discourse in order to challenge existing

that an effective intersectionality resource needed to go beyond a focus on specific intersecting identities, such as disability and gender, as this would still exclude those who are most marginalised. Consequently, this toolkit is framed around a set of core intersectionality enablers, including diverse knowledges, power relations and re-

Intersectionality in the field of education: A critical look at race
For example, Lawrence and Nagashima (2020) found that the quadruple dimensions of gender, sexuality, race, and native-speaker status intersected to influence ELT teachers' professional identities

of gender identities and race-ethnicities whose intersectionality is left unstudied in this research. However, the important information brought to light in this review of the current research on the intersectionality of race and gender makes it abundantly clear that this topic is a meaningful one, and an awareness of the challenges faced by

Intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, and the Primacy of Racism
The article explores the utility of intersectionality as an aspect of critical race theory (CRT) in education. Drawing on research with Black middle-class parents in England, the article explores the intersecting roles of race, class, and gender in the construction and deployment of dis/ability in education.

The Intersections of Sexuality, Gender, and Race: Identity ... - Springer
The application of intersectionality in psychology, as represented in this special issue, also varies in whether intersectionality is applied as framework or is applied as a theory (Syed 2010).As a framework, intersectionality serves as a reminder to researchers that any consideration of a single identity, such as gender, must incorporate an analysis of the ways that other identities interact

Kimberlé Crenshaw, a legal scholar, coined the term "intersectionality" in 19897 when describing the systematic exclusion of Black women from anti-discrimination law that occurs, in part, through the separation of "race" and "gender" in discrimination claims. At the time, US courts dismissed Black

Intersectionality - Wikipedia
Intersectionality is a sociological analytical framework for understanding how groups' and individuals' social and political identities result in unique combinations of discrimination and privilege. Examples of these factors include gender, caste, sex, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, religion, disability, height, age, weight [1] and physical

Intersectionality - Racial Justice Resources for Activists, Advocates
Now more than ever, it's important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias -- and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm. Kimberlé Crenshaw uses the term "intersectionality" to describe this phenomenon; as she says, if you're standing in the path of multiple forms of exclusion, you're likely to get hit by both.

Discussing intersectionality: race, gender and social class
In this series of videos, Umut Erel from The Open University discusses the topic of intersectionality and how it relates to social research with Tracey Reynolds, Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Greenwich, and Ann Phoenix, Professor of Psycho-Social Studies at University College London.

The intersection of race, ethnicity, and masculinities: Progress
Intersectionality is a conceptual framework that addresses how multiple interlocking social identities reflect diverse systems of power, privilege, oppression, and inequity (Bowleg, 2012; Shields, 2008; Stewart & McDermott, 2004). In particular, this framework emphasizes the manner in which multiple social identities, such as race, gender, and social class, are dependent on each other for

Intersectionality - A Women and Gender Studies Library Guide - Research
Intersectionality: an intellectual history by Ange-Marie Hancock Intersectionality theory has emerged over the past thirty years as a way to think about the avenues by which inequalities (most often dealing with, but not limited to, race, gender, class and sexuality) are produced. Rather than seeing such categories as signaling distinct identities that can be adopted, imposed or rejected

The Intersection of Race, Sexuality, and Gender - Lawrence Hall
The concept of intersectionality "describes the ways in which systems of inequality based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class and other forms of discrimination 'intersect' to create unique dynamics and effects .". These intersections and how they intertwine are part of ones identity.

"A qualitative inquiry into the intersectionality of race, gender, and
This study explores the intersectional experiences of Black women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education by focusing on the strategic utilization of social capital to navigate systemic barriers and challenges. The unique struggles faced by Black women within predominantly white and male-dominated STEM programs are addressed in this study. Drawing on a growing

Intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, - SAGE Journals
So, intersectionality—as envisaged by Crenshaw and other critical race activists—has two key elements: first, an empirical basis; an intersectional approach is needed to bet-ter understand the nature of social inequities and the pro-cesses that create and sustain them (i.e., to "analyze social problems more fully").

'Intersectionality' has become a hot-button topic in recent ... - CNN
Intersectionality. Intersectional feminism. These are phrases you may have heard, either on the news or from your local politicians. Here's what those terms mean and here's why they matter.

Disability and other identities?—how do they intersect? - PMC
Definitions of intersectionality usually emphasise both the interaction between different characteristics, identities or factors such as gender, race, age (including children and older people) and others and also the resulting impact on power dynamics and relationships for individuals who may be disadvantaged by being members of several

100 books by Black Americans everyone should read at least once - MSN
The book takes a hard look at the inevitability of loss, mental health, and stepping out of your former self. ... - Genre: Nonfiction, Feminism, Intersectionality. Bell Hooks is a feminist, writer

Things to Know About the Gender-Affirming Care Case as the Supreme
Gender-affirming care includes a range of medical and mental health services to support a person's gender identity, including when it's different from the sex they were assigned at birth.

Axes and fluidity of oppression in the workplace: Intersectionality of
The work on intersectionality has been critiqued on multiple fronts and a full discussion of this lies beyond the scope of this research (see Walby et al., ... "If you only look at people from a gender and race perspective and you don't get into the non-visible aspects of who they are,

Program for Saturday, June 29th
We look at outputs and outcomes of financial management feedback, including (1) financial condition, (2) budgetary expenditure and allocation, and (3) student academic performance. ... that political control and organizational socialization theories hold more explanatory power in this context than the intersectionality of race and gender. 10:30

Using Community Power to Tackle Gender-Based Violence: An
GBV primarily affects cisgender women and gender nonconforming people: however, people of all genders can be victims. It is mostly perpetrated by cisgender men, although people of all genders can be perpetrators. The gendered perpetration and experience of GBV intersects with factors such as race, culture, class, disability, and sexual orientation.