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Government Efficiency and Effectiveness: Opportunities to Improve
GAO annually reports on federal programs, agencies, offices, and initiatives—either within departments or government-wide—that have duplicative goals or activities. As part of this work, GAO also identifies additional opportunities for greater efficiency and effectiveness that could result in cost savings or enhanced revenue collection.

Government Efficiency and Effectiveness: Opportunities to Reduce
GAO estimates that tens of billions of additional dollars could be saved should Congress and executive branch agencies fully address open actions, including those that have potential financial benefits of $1 billion or more. Why GAO Did This Study. The federal government has made an unprecedented financial response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

U.S. GAO - How Can the Government Be More Efficient?
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GAO: How Can the Government Be More Efficient? - YouTube
Definitions and key examples from GAO's work on duplication and cost savings.Learn more: Transcript:

GAOEvolving and Innovating to Meet Congressional Needs
GAO provides objective, nonpartisan, professional, and fact-based analysis and recommendations to help the government save money and be more efficient and effective. Congress routinely uses our work to craft legislation, make decisions about authorizing or reauthorizing programs, make funding decisions, and conduct oversight of federal spending

Our plan to save the government tens of billions of dollars ... - U.S. GAO
The federal government has made an unprecedented financial response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. At the same time, opportunities exist for achieving tens of billions of dollars in financial savings and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a wide range of federal programs in other areas. Today we released our 10th annual report on opportunities to reduce

COVID-19 - Government Accountability Office
The government must remain vigilant and agile to address the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and its cascading impacts. Furthermore, as the administration implements the provisions in the COVID-19 relief laws, the size and scope of these efforts—from distributing funding to implementing new programs—demand strong accountability and oversight.

Improving Government Efficiency, Transparency, and Responsiveness
Making Government More Efficient and Transparent ... The Government Accountability Office (GAO) - a non-partisan investigative arm of Congress - makes annual reports that identify federal programs, agencies, offices, and initiatives with duplicative goals. Its 2013 assessment identifies 31 areas where agencies could increase efficiency and

New GAO Report Shows Need to Improve Federal Financial Management - Senate
- The Government Accountability Office (GAO) today released a new report showing that while the federal government has made progress in federal financial management because of the Chief Financial Officers Act, serious challenges remain in achieving effective fiscal improvements across the government. GAO recommended several actions Congress

How GAO went from a small accounting office to Congress' supreme
Each year, GAO produces roughly 1,000 reports at the request of Congress. The agency proudly touts that for every $1 of its budget, it has saved the government $158. These performance audits are

government auditing standards. More details on our scope and methodology, including the definitions we use for fragmentation, overlap, and duplication for this work, can be found in the . full report. 4For 2021, the work on fragmentation, overlap, and duplication will be published in two separate special publications.

COVID-19 - Government Accountability Office
In the past year, GAO has made 44 recommendations for agency actions, 6 of which have been implemented. Since taking office, the new administration has taken some action consistent with GAO's recommendations, such as issuing the National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness and issuing executive orders calling for the development of a pandemic supply chain resilience

How Can Congress Improve GAO's Performance?
According to the Comptroller General's annual estimates, the Congressional watchdog agency routinely achieves a return-on-investment of more than $100 in financial benefits for each dollar that Congress spends on GAO's budget. In March, Comptroller General Gene Dodaro submitted to Congress a budget request of $744.3 million dollars.

How can American Government meet its productivity challenge?
Executive Summary. American government faces a productivity imperative. Growth in program size, new national priorities, and citizens' demand for increased choice, convenience and customer service, will require government to do more and do it better - and all this in an era of, at best, constant levels of spending.

GAO-18-609SP, Accessible Version, MANAGING FOR RESULTS : Government
agencies and across the federal government. View GAO-18-609SP. For more information, contact Triana McNeil at (202) 512-6806 or Why GAO Did This Study To reform the federal government and make it more efficient and effective, agencies need to use data about program performance. The benefit of collecting performance information is

King: GAO Duplication Report Underscores Need for Congress to ... - Senate
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) is highlighting a report released yesterday by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) that identifies several major areas of duplication and overlap within government agencies, programs, and initiatives that could be streamlined to reduce wasteful spending and make government more efficient.</p> <p>&ldquo;The GAO&rsquo;s report is

Pentagon 'alarmingly slow' at fielding new weapons, government report
The agency did credit the DOD for working on making its processes more efficient. Meanwhile, combatant commanders are developing smaller units built to function more like a technology startup company.

1. Government's scope, efficiency and role in regulating business
American s are evenly divided in their preferences for the size of government. Yet a somewhat greater share wants the government to do more to solve problems than say it is doing too much better left to others. There is a persistent belief that government is wasteful: 56% say it is "almost always wasteful and inefficient."

GAO identifies 'tens of billions' in potential government savings
The government could save tens of billions of dollars by addressing 467 issues, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said in its annual report released Tuesday. The report found, for example

U.S. GAO - How Can the Government Be More Efficient?
Definitions and key examples from GAO's work on duplication and cost savings. Definitions and key examples from GAO's work on duplication and cost savings. ... How Can the Government Be More Efficient? Video URL. Description. Definitions and key examples from GAO's work on duplication and cost savings. Date: Jun 09, 2014 Runtime

Government Efficiency and Effectiveness: Implementing GAO
To help Congress and the government, GAO recommends solutions across the broad spectrum of federal responsibilities to foster efficiency and effectiveness in federal programs and address high risks, management issues, and other challenges. GAO's work supports a broad range of interests throughout Congress.

Implementing GAO's Open Matters and Recommendations Could Produce
Washington, D.C. (July 25, 2023) - The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) today issued a report listing more than 200 open recommendations GAO has made to Congress to help improve the effectiveness of the federal government and save taxpayer dollars. Since 2000, GAO has recommended that Congress consider more than 1,100 matters to address findings from GAO's work.

Can Government Or Industry Make Drug Discovery More Efficient? - Forbes
Both government and business are right—pharma is inefficient, and AI will improve drug development—but neither price controls nor new technology will reduce the cost of discovery.

Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government: 2024 Exposure
GAO invites comments on the proposed changes to Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government, commonly known as the Green Book.Since the last revision of the Green Book in 2014, events such as pandemics and cyberattacks have highlighted the challenges managers face when addressing risks related to fraud, improper payments, information security, and the implementation of new or

Priority Open Recommendations: National Aeronautics and Space
What GAO Found. In May 2023, GAO identified nine priority recommendations for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Since then, NASA has implemented four of those recommendations by, among other things, taking actions to establish cost and schedule baselines necessary to track program performance and accurately categorizing positions in its cybersecurity workforce.

As Drones Take Flight, So Do Concerns About Safety | U.S. GAO
GAO's mission is to provide Congress with fact-based, nonpartisan information that can help improve federal government performance and ensure accountability for the benefit of the American people. GAO launched its WatchBlog in January, 2014, as part of its continuing effort to reach its audiences—Congress and the American people—where they