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Did the Disciples Lie about Jesus' Resurrection? - Cross Examined
None of these were motives for the apostles. First, none of them earned a great deal of wealth for preaching that Christ had risen. Most of them had to rely on the support of others and lived "on the run.". Second, the relationship between Christ and the disciples was one of a leader and His followers and not one of sexual passion or otherwise.

Christ's Resurrection: From Fear to Faith - Preach It Teach It
Peter was the one who abandoned and denied Jesus, and John was the one who followed him to the cross. Interestingly, Peter was crucified for his faith, but John died of natural causes. In fact, all of the disciples who abandoned him suffered terrible deaths. But John died an old man, in peace. "According to Christian historian Tertullian

Jesus' Resurrection: The Case for (And Against) His Rising
In the quest to establish the historicity of Jesus' resurrection, a fundamental premise presented by Gary Habermas and Mike Licona in their book "The Case for the Resurrection" is the assertion of Jesus' death on the cross. This argument forms the starting point of what they term the "Minimal Facts Approach.".

4 Reasons Jesus' Disciples Doubted the Resurrection at First
Jesus warned the disciples more than once about the future suffering He would endure. He told them He would die and rise again on these three instances:Matthew 16:21; Mark 8:31; Luke 9:31

Investigating Easter: Did The Disciples Lie About the Resurrection
2. The people local to the event would have known it was a lie (remember that Paul told the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 that there were still five hundred people who could testify to having seen Jesus alive after His resurrection). 3. The disciples lacked the motive to create such a lie. Advertisement.

Historical Evidence for the Resurrection | Desiring God
If we deny the resurrection of Jesus, we are left with an inexplicable mystery." The resurrection of Jesus is not just the best explanation for the empty tomb, it is the only explanation in town! The Resurrection Appearances. Next, there is the evidence that Jesus' disciples had real experiences with one whom they believed was the risen Christ.

How a Lie Proves the Resurrection - Grace to You!
How a Lie Proves the Resurrection. As we think about the resurrection this morning I want to remind you of a portion of Scripture in the tenth chapter of Romans. Paul has laid out in the book of Romans the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is the way of salvation, the only way to be delivered from sin and death and judgment and hell.

Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead? Evidence of The Resurrection - Cru
Jesus' followers are recorded to have spread the story of the resurrection very soon after it happened. Yet we have no accounts from the time claiming that the disciples were caught in a lie — that Jesus' body was still buried and could prove that He was still dead, or that He had never been buried.

Was the Body of Jesus Stolen? by Don Stewart - Blue Letter Bible
Possibility 4: The Disciples of Jesus Stole His Body. The oldest alternative explanation to the resurrection is that the body of Jesus Christ was stolen by His own disciples while the guard was sleeping. Matthew tells us this was the story the bribed Roman guard was to tell, even though they knew it was false.

Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead? A Historian, an Atheist, a Skeptic
There is a virtual consensus among scholars who study Jesus' resurrection that, subsequent to Jesus' death by crucifixion, his disciples really believed that he appeared to them risen from the dead. ... The real cover-up, the lie, could only be held together for two weeks, and then everybody else jumped ship in order to save themselves. Now

The Bible Story & Proof of Jesus Christ's Resurrection - Christianity
The conspiracy hypothesis says that the disciples stole the body of Jesus and continued to lie about his appearance to them. According to this account, the resurrection was a hoax. ... This hypothesis does not take into account that the disciples believed in the resurrection. It is highly unlikely that numerous disciples would have been willing

Would the Disciples Die for A Lie? Proofs for the Resurrection.
QUESTION: Another very very popular evidence put forward for the resurrection is "the disciples would not have died for what they knew was a lie, therefore it must have happened.". I hear this all the time. You note that they really believed they saw Jesus after he died so they were not lying.

What Skeptical Scholars Admit about the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus
A Bedrock Confession. According to the earliest source we have on record for Jesus' death and resurrection, a hidden pearl found within 1 Corinthians 15, Jesus appeared to multiple individuals

10 Bible Verses about Jesus Foretelling His Resurrection
John 2:19-22. Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.". The Jews then said, "It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?". But He was speaking of the temple of His more. John 10:14-18. I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me

Did Jesus' Disciples Die for Witnessing His Resurrection?
Birth, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus; Wikimedia Commons Let's start by understanding what we mean by 'eyewitness.' We're not talking about believers who heard the resurrection

What is the significance of what Jesus ate after his resurrection?
First, in the story told in Luke 24:36-43, much of the focus is on Jesus establishing that he is not a spirit (i.e., a ghost), but is really, physically present with his disciples after his resurrection. This is why he calls special attention to his hands and feet (the outermost parts of the body), and also requests food so that he can eat

How did the Jews and Romans react to Jesus' resurrection?
It is far from true that the resurrection of Jesus went "unnoticed" by civil and religious officials of the day. When those who had been appointed to guard the tomb reported to the chief

contradiction - Why did Jesus not appear after resurrection to the
The visible proof of 3-days and 3-nights could only be seen by someone watching from the outside, a reality those who asked were aware of, but failed to do. The failure to see the sign Jesus promised was theirs, not His. Moreover, Jesus did fulfill His part when He ensured the New Testament writers recorded the sign for the entire generation.

Did the Apostles Really Die as Martyrs for their Faith?
Here are the key facts: First, the apostles were eyewitnesses of the risen Jesus. When a replacement was chosen for Judas, one necessary criterion was that the person had seen the risen Lord (Acts 1:21-22). Paul and James the brother of Jesus were also eyewitnesses (1 Cor. 15:3-8). Their convictions were not based on secondhand testimony

Did the Disciples Steal Jesus's Body? - Resurrection - Christianity
Given their background and beliefs, the disciples had no real motive to steal the body. They might have expected a spiritual resurrection—that is, a continuation of His work and ministry or His vindication after death. At most, they might have believed Him to have meant a ghostly appearance, since most Jews believed the soul continued after

The Disciples' Confusion | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at
Notice that Jesus was not afraid to tell His disciples what lay ahead for them. As we will see in our study of John 16:21-24, Jesus understood that the news of His departure would sadden the disciples, but He did not refrain from giving them the hard news. In so doing, Jesus gave an example to all faithful pastors and counselors.

Resurrections have consequences: Why conspiracy theories about
Jesus had spoken about rising from the dead during his public life, and there was a Jewish expectation of the resurrection of the righteous at the end of time. But quite clearly, the disciples

Is It Suspicious That the Risen Jesus Only Appeared to His Followers?
Even though Jesus spoke of his death and resurrection before, his followers didn't know what he was talking about. They were confused. That's what the record shows. It is not very convenient for the record to cast the disciples in a negative light, if they are the ones who are writing the story and are trying to falsify something. What?

Find the Diamond In the Rough June 30, 2024 - Facebook
Find the Diamond in the Rough June 30, 2024

LIVE BROADCAST - join us | Thank you for joining us for ... - Facebook
Thank you for joining us for worship today! It's Pastor Jen's last Sunday with us before she heads off to her new assignment at Southside Nampa UMC, so

The Ordination of Deacons, 30 June 2024 - Facebook
Joins us in the Cathedral for the Ordination of Deacons on Sunday 30 June, 10.30 The order of service can be downloaded from