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10 Important Questions to Ask When Exploring Faith with God (Part 1)
Christ can and will save a man who has been dishonest, but He cannot save him while he is dishonest. Absolute candor is an indispensable requisite to salvation. - A.W. Tozer. While starting a relationship with God is just a prayer away, growing your relationship with God is work.

107 Questions to Ask About God - Enlightio
The communicable attributes of God are those that we can understand and relate to. These include love, mercy, and justice. The incommunicable attributes of God are those that are beyond our understanding. These include his power, wisdom, and holiness. Even if we cannot understand all of God's attributes, we can trust in His goodness and love.

10 Questions To Ask God - A Transforming Word Ministries
Jesus told us, "It's more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35) You will experience so much joy when you give what you have to others. You never know how much it can change a person's life when you ask God who you can bless that will bring God glory. 10.

5 IMPORTANT Questions To Ask God When You MIGHT Have Found The One
5 IMPORTANT Questions To Ask God When You MIGHT Have Found The One...These questions to ask God about your partner will help you with finding the one for you

10 Important Questions to Ask When Exploring Faith with God (Part 2
God got his attention and realigned his life and mission. As a result, Paul wrote, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8). Paul reminds us that the faith you fear you won't have isn't yours anyway. Faith is a gift from God.

Start Asking God for More | Desiring God
2. The Increasing Ease of Life. For many people in the English-speaking world, life is better than it used to be. We are more prosperous and safer than ever before. Global terrorism is frightening, but compared to the specter of the Cold War, for example, it doesn't have the same effect of driving people to pray. 3.

Yes, it is Okay to Ask God the Tough Questions
It's natural to ask God what's going on. But the truth is, God will never abandon you. He is always there for guidance and, yes, you can ask God anything. He already knows what's on your heart and, by lifting your questions and prayers to him, you're demonstrating true faith in him. When you ask God any question, even one you might be

8 Questions to Help You Understand and Apply the Bible
Loving God with our whole being expresses itself in a variety of ways. Start by looking for reasons to praise God (1 Pet. 1:3-5). Consider what sin you need to confess and repent of (1 John 1:5-10). Identify any promises God calls us to believe (1 Pet. 2:4-12). 4.

Answering Big Questions about God and Faith |
The value of asking questions about God. Some questions are simple: what day is it today? How many eggs are in one carton? Other questions are filled with mystery, confusion, and bewilderment. The questions a person asks often offer a glimpse of what is going on in that person's life.

Ask the Bible Anything: Why God Rewards the Hardest Questions
God reveals his counsels not to "the wise and understanding" but rather to "little children" ( Luke 10:21 ). While the brilliant but proud grope through God's word like drunk men at midnight, God "leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way" ( Psalm 25:9 ). When the humble ask questions of Scripture, they ask

4 Essential Questions to Ask God Every Day -
This question helps you align your life with His greater purpose. It demonstrates a willingness to submit to His plans and fulfill His intentions. It brings personal fulfillment, as living in accordance with God's will brings peace, contentment, and joy. Seeking His will helps prevent misdirection, keeping you from being led astray by

9 Empowering Questions God Wants to Ask You - prayer coach
If you have a negative view of yourself, then you are not seeing yourself as God sees you. Confess those beliefs you have of yourself that are holding you back, and take time to ask God to remind you on His view. It is so important to get this right if we are to accomplish those things God is calling us to. 2.

Doubting God: Real Questions People Ask - Lifeway Research
This is one of the most important questions about our faith. It's also a difficult question since all of us experience pain and suffering in this life. To view suffering as something that is evil implies that good and evil have recognizable standards. Christians say God's nature is good, and so we can look to who God is to figure out what

If Jesus Could Ask You One Question -
Peter was declaring that Jesus is this long-awaited Savior. By declaring "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God," Peter crystallizes why we follow Jesus. As Peter's brother Andrew put it, "We have found the Messiah" (John 1:41). It's the most important discovery we will ever make, which is why Jesus asks . . . "Who do you

The Simple Questions to Ask Every Time You Open Your Bible
This book will help you ask the best of questions on the best of sources—God's Word—in the best of ways—by faith." —David Mathis, executive editor,; pastor, Cities Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota; author, Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines. Table of Contents. Introduction

The Best Question to Ask When Starting a Conversation About God
It's Diagnostic. This one question will immediately help you understand the worldview of the person with whom you are talking. It's helpful to know where people are coming from, and every worldview has a distinctive answer to this question. When you ask it, you'll almost immediately diagnose the worldview you are about to engage, without

12. Ask God |
12. Ask God. The battleground for every decision we face is the mind. That is where we wrestle with the pros and cons, weigh the potential consequences of each alternative, and ultimately make our choices. The impressions which weigh the heaviest and linger the longest in the mind will usually determine the course of action we take.

31 Radical, Liberating Questions to Ask God About Your Giving
At a pivotal point in his life ( 2 Samuel 2:1-2 ), David asked the Lord two very specific questions: "Shall I go up to one of the towns of Judah?" he asked. The Lord said, "Go up.". David asked, "Where shall I go?". "To Hebron," the Lord answered. As God's children, we should ask and seek and knock (see Matthew 7:7 ).

10 Crucial Questions Every Christian Must Answer for Themselves - iBelieve
A salvation that cleanses the stains of evil thrust upon us and the sin we ourselves have inflicted. This is an important question to think through because it reveals our trust in God and offers us the rest of his redemptive sovereignty. Photo Credit: Unsplash/Ian Espinosa. 7.

Questions for God | Christian Courier
The Lord has answered that question already. Our purpose is to glorify God. That is the reason for which we were made (Isaiah 43:7). The whole duty of man is to fear (reverence) God and obey his commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). There is no reason for human existence apart from serving the Creator, and in this we find our greatest contentment.

What is the one question you would ask God? - The Daily Advertiser
Q: "If God appeared to me and I could ask him any question,I would have no question to ask, but would have the only answer I need: God does exist!" - J., Westbury, N.Y. A: "Told you so."

The Most Common Questions People Ask God | Looking4Answers
Your Questions. As you navigate mental health and relationship challenges, you may have questions on why you are going through some of these difficulties. You may also wonder where God is during all of your trials and question His existence and love for you. We hope you find some of the answers you are searching for here.

When We Question God - In Touch Ministries
2 ``I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.. 3 `Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?' ``Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.". 4 `Hear, now, and I will speak; I will ask You, and You instruct me.'. 5 ``I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You;

18 Burning Questions People want to Ask God - MSN
We would love to ask God if there is a reason for free will as it seems that we would all be better off without it. There are some who feel that removing free will could wreak havoc on our sense

Answers to Top Five Questions Students Would Ask God
While you may not know what the future holds, you can know that God is the one who holds the future and that He is good and in control (Jeremiah 29.11,12). Through prayer, study of the Bible, participation in church, and fellowship with other Christians, God will actively guide the decisions you will make as you trust and rely on Him daily.

Ask a question or make a comment - Sky News
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