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Views : 126,579
Uploaded At Sep 30, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.928 (88/4,834 LTDR)
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User score: 97.31- Overwhelmingly Positive
RYD date created : 2024-10-04T12:05:44.665458Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I felt the same way walking out of this movie. Unfortunately the movie was made it seems with no narrative purpose. Sort of aimless the cinematography was the best point but everything else seems hallow and empty.. sometimes even boring. The first trailer really showed the energy it could of had but a courtroom drama rehashing the first movie was not interesting and seemed pointless from a sequel story standpoint. Also this movie costing 200 million dollars in lunacy.
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Reading about criticism from a Vanity Fair is one thing but hearing Youtubers who were supportive and passionate about the sequel hating on it is another. Two different worlds. One is a paid schlock that doesn't give a damn anyway while the other, are a group of passionate people who really loves the genre and films in general. When the passionate folks hate on the film; it's over.
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0:42 basically JOKER 2 is a bollywood movie.....
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The minute I knew this movie was going to suck was when the director admitted that he, Joaquin Phoenix and others had to do basically a NFL huddle to rewrite and recontextualize the basic premise of the movie multiple times. If you have to constantly rethink and reconceptualize the basic foundation of your sequel, that is an unnecessary sequel.
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3 days ago
Basically we need to hire Todd Phillips for something new every few years and don't bring him back for sequels.
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