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What if we replace the Sun with Extreme Space Objects?
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6,892,050 Views ā€¢ Jun 30, 2021 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
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Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46- I. Morning Mood
Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 Fate I. Allegro con brio
Georges Bizet - Carmen Instrumental

Supporters: H H, Ephellon, Kyle A Criswell, Henson Lin, Jonas Lee, Joshua Titus, Tovi Sonnenberg, Parker Rosenbauer, iNF3Rnus, Pavel Kočarian, Ishin Hazue, John N, Danh Le, Stealer of Fresh stolen Content, Brandon Ledyard, Nathaniel Strizak, Nick Boykin-Reed, William Persson and everyone else!
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 6,892,050
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 30, 2021 ^^

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Rating : 4.898 (3,750/142,670 LTDR)

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User score: 96.16- Overwhelmingly Positive

RYD date created : 2022-04-09T21:14:44.671624Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


3 years ago

Here are some nice plans for tonight - watch awesome science documentaries on astronomy and quantum physics for free by trying out MagellanTV here: try.magellantv.com/sciencephiletheAI

1.9K |


3 years ago

Humans: Ah the sun is so nice,it gives us light and heat

5.6K |


3 years ago

"You'll probably die. But the sky would be light blue so that's nice."
Why am I laughing

4K |


3 years ago

ā€œBut the sky would look nice and brightly blue at least so thatā€™s niceā€

8.5K |


1 year ago

0:03 ā€œour sun is such a lovely starā€ got me going to the moon

52 |


3 years ago

Every mythology ever had their own "Sun God" or "Sun Deity", and it comes to show how much humans love and worship the Sun.

6.5K |


3 years ago

I like how everytime I watch these types of videos it makes me realize we are on a floating rock with water in a big black space with no end in sight in the middle of nowhere... Makes you really think

3.6K |


3 years ago

2:11 "Since you're watching this, i'm sure you enjoy learning about the Universe"
No, i like scaring the shit out of me

494 |


1 year ago

Iā€™ve been seeing these since 2012. Never really got to grasp the thought of it until I played No Mans Sky. Iā€™d fly to a moon of a planet so the planet itself would be the ā€œmoonā€ in the sky. It is JAW DROPPING to see something so huge in the sky like that. It kinda gives that eerie feeling of Megalophobia.

84 |


3 years ago

"Hello mortals. Our sun is such a lovely star providing us with light, heat, and skin cancer sometimes."
Bruh it hasn't even been a minute and things are already taking a turn

3.8K |


3 years ago

The way "Vitamin C" changed into "Vitamin Certified Death" made me laugh so fucking hard, that was a good one

1.7K |


3 years ago

"The black hole wannabes that just didn't have what it takes"
Felt that one, ā˜¢ļø

2K |


1 year ago

I donā€™t know if anybody did fact checking for this video. Flying through the sun at light speed would take about four seconds, not ten. Proxima Centauri produces a lot less light than the sun, and the energy is more in the infrared. Replacing the sun with Proxima would radically reduce the energy hitting the earth, so water is liquid only with a much closer orbit. With the current orbital distance, there would be no sunburns, except maybe when there are flares. And all the planets would fly away before there would probably be flares. Replacing the sun with a heavier neutron star would disrupt orbits, but the planets would not just fall to the neutron star. Photons can hit your eyes inside the event horizon, and there would be photons entering the event horizon from the outside. And so forth.

31 |


3 years ago

I like how he explains the brutal death youā€™d go through if we changed star in such a calming voice

859 |


3 years ago

Looks at title

Well someone has played universe sandbox

1.8K |


3 years ago

I love how the video is 8:11 long, like he was really looking for a replacement during the time of light that we had left

1.1K |


1 year ago

3:43 love the use of universe sandbox 2

21 |


3 years ago

Astronomer: Omg we have just discovered the biggest star in the universe yet........ what should we call it?
Stoner astronomer: Stephenson

2.5K |


2 years ago

I love how this guy makes the sun dissapear from the sky and say it'd take 8 minutes and 20 seconds for us to notice it, then he takes 8 minutes and 10 seconds to check a list of possible replacements until he concludes that we should stick with the sun and put it back again in the sky

458 |


3 years ago

4:26 "Aye dawg let me get some neutron star?" "Only a spoonful"

303 |

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