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Views : 2,073,980
Uploaded At Sep 29, 2024 ^^
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User score: 98.50- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-04T11:23:14.012404Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
hey Kurtis, just wanted to let you know that at 10:25, you mistakenly used the song of an American Robin while showing a European Robin. These two species are completely unrelated and exist on different continents. Itâs a rookie mistake but I just wanted to let you know so you donât embarrass yourself in front of your birder friendsđ
10K |
So as someone who lives with chronic pain, I like to remind people to please think about other people when asking "who is this pointless product made for?" Chances are it's not pointless, and it's advertised for wider audiences with convenience because a company generally can't make enough money by advertising to the people who need it alone. But in this case that's just not productive. You can ALREADY buy baby strollers that will help you push it with power wheels, you can already buy a toilet seat that will open on it's own, you can ALREADY BUY a goddamn baby monitor! These needed things already exist for much MUCH cheaper. When you're on disability you NEED these things to be cheaper. A rising toilet seat is something you save up for because you just don't have the money to go out and buy something that's over $100, let alone $10,000?!?
So truly, TRUELY, these products are for people to pat themselves on the back for making them while calling themselves trail blazers and for rich people to buy and never use while they brag about their AI smart house.
29 |
im a birdwatcher (i will not comment on if i have had 1ntercourse before) and my favorite part was learning how to identify things without help. i spent so many hours as a kid poring* over guidebooks, learning everything i could, and i was super proud of the knowledge i grew. id hate to be dependent on some tech to tell me what im seeing. im not sure how accurate that could even be anyways, like with warblers and other confusing guys
2.8K |
Not to mention most of the products donât actually use ai. Like real artificial intelligence takes a lot of data and time to train it. That means it takes a lot of money. So they just slap ai on their product when in reality it doesnât actually have ai and just use technology that we have been using for years
1.3K |
4 days ago
Check out Rocket Money for free: rocketmoney.com/KURTIS #rocketmoney #personalfinance
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