PokeVideoPlayer v0.9-rev1 - licensed under gpl3-or-later
Views : 643,428
Genre: Gaming
Uploaded At Nov 20, 2023 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.978 (259/46,635 LTDR)
99.45% of the users lieked the video!!
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User score: 99.17- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-01T17:45:57.433042Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Roxanne giving the player the death stare as they do her eyeshadow is one of the funniest things out of this trailer, right up there with a Plush Baby getting shot point-blank (poor thing). It’s made even funnier that the idea of Roxanne killing someone for messing up her makeup is 100% something I can imagine her doing.
Also, it’s really nice to see Scrap Baby after only seeing a plushie of her in the last game. I hope they include more Pizzeria Sim characters
838 |
Honestly one of my biggest hopes for this is that they include pizzeria simulator it has so much potential in VR, imagine the maintenance test where the PlayStation VR2 can actually sense if you're looking at the clipboard on the table or at the animatronic, and also imagine building your pizzeria in 3D and actually seeing the things you place down and being able to walk around and look at the details of your pizzeria.
946 |
This looks so good Steel wool. What a year it's been for fnaf! Also glad you guys are bringing back iconic minigames like parts and service and the pirate ride. I've always loved how ambitious you always are with projects Steel wool keep it up man. ALSO REMEMBER GUYS! This game will most likely be ported to other devices in the future like pc and other consoles. just takes time and just like the first game!!!!!!
28 |
10 months ago
This game looks insane! There seems to be so much variety in the mini-games, and seeing the SB characters in VR will be fun.
3.5K |