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Top Comments of this video!! :3
My buddy was dying of kidney failure, and was hospitalized for months. When he got out, he was worse than when he went in. He couldn't walk, and would sometimes shit himself. We went everywhere during covid that we could to get him disability. He was only 60 so we couldn't get him social security. They kept jerking us around, and one day my girlfriend came into the room and said, I think ricky is dead. I said no way, but I'll check. I went into his room, and I said, ricky is dead. I called 911, and they took him away. A month later, we got a letter saying that his disability was approved. Fuck all of this shit
5K |
My MIL is fully disabled and lives in Chicago. We moved her there with us for the amazing public transit. The city offers its disabled citizens 8 free lyft rides PER DAY. She has a point to point shuttle, an in home care provider who comes 2 times a week and helps her care for herself and her apartment. We still chip in for the rent, because disability doesn't cover it all. But her being approved has changed the trajectory of her SONS life, not just her own. We need wider spread access to disability support for everyone in this country.
1.5K |
Thank you so much for shedding light on this. My daughter is physically and cognitively disabled since birth. At least every couple years, they turn off her life saving benefits. I then have to fight for them to be restored. Sometimes they call her when I'm not around and ask her questions that she has no idea about, then turn off benefits because she gave the "wrong answer". I'm terrified of what will happen when I die. It's sickening.
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As a man married to a disabled woman (paralyzed from waist down since birth), yeah, this whole thing is a mess and a half. She lost her benefits the very moment we got married. On top of that, we've literally had an insurance company fight us and tell us it wasn't medically necessary for her to have a power wheelchair, which caused her to lose a lot of her independence for over 2 years. We had to go through the state workforce organization since she does have a job. It's fucking absurd. We live in Texas. Yes, I know.
The best thing is that, when we were planning to get married, we literally asked them whether she would keep her benefits. Gave them information and everything. They said yes. So, we got married. Three months later, we got the denial letter, complete with asking for repayments of everything she'd gotten for the past 3 months. GREAT STUFF.
1K |
as a disabled, wheelchair-using 32 year old woman who has managed to get on SSI, thank you John Oliver for shining a light on the layers of atrocities of how hard it is for most us to try to survive. I count myself as INCREDIBLY lucky and am blessed to have a wonderful support system, but the majority of disabled people don’t, and it’s a travesty. Folks just want to live a normal life that doesn’t have to revolve around fighting for access to doctors, medications, and help. Thanks for fighting the good fight with us. Least importantly I’m always sad I can’t get married 😭
1.1K |
Why are social programs essentially punitive in the United States? Cut the Pentagon budget by 35% & put that money into social programs for children, the elderly, the disabled & the poor. Then we'd look like the Scandinavian countries, where, e.g., anyone with dementia has access to a high end care facility with an excellent standard of living.
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"You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money." - George Carlin
1.1K |
I'm a permanently disabled man. I work part time as an independent contractor, funnily enough in systems change for disabilities, mental health issues, and substance use disorders. In other words, I'm trying to help fix this shit, and I spend my life advocating for myself and others. Thank you John and team for this episode. The horrified gasps of the audience are warranted, justified, and been my life for decades. Please, my fellow non-disabled Americans:
Help us with this bullshit.
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The irony in all of this is a significant number of people who apply for disability would have benefited and maybe avoided or diminished their need for assistance if this country had actual health care. When injuries and illness happen and you get zero medical treatment because you can't afford it, this country is MAKING disabled people. As someone born with Muscular Dystrophy, I STILL have to prove every few years that I am still disabled. Also, I would have loved to work, but I was not allowed. No job offers the insurance I need for the daily care I require. And in home daily care is EXPENSIVE. We SAY in this country we will care for the most vulnerable, but we do NOT.
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At the beginning of this year I lost my foodstamps for several months due to a clerical error—they had doubled my income under both SSI and SSDI despite me only being on SSI, for my disability (not confusing at all, these terms)—and refused to even LOOK INTO my case despite me contacting them repeatedly until I filed a formal appeal... which I had to do in person, because my first appeal somehow got lost in the mail. I cannot drive, so the travel came out of my own pocket, and my pockets are not deep. During this time I had to survive off the goodwill of my friends or starve. When they got my appeal, and actually looked at my file, they called me and had it fixed in two seconds. Four months after the fact. The system is designed to kill disabled people, especially those of us who are not capable of going to the lengths that I was forced to.
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I’ve got a friend who has cancer. And it keeps metastasizing everywhere. She was in assisted living because she got a treatment that caused her to not be able to walk. Through intense PT, she can walk with a walker. She got booted from the assisted living because she could no longer pay for it, her regular SS and Medicare wasn’t enough. She applied to get Medicaid to help with the expenses. This woman has nothing but her clothes and personal items. No house, no apartment, no car, no job, no money. She has, basically, terminal cancer. She was denied Medicaid because she was able to be mobile.
She did have a bit of luck. She was able to move in with her daughter. Her daughter is now her sole caregiver. She is a teacher, so she isn’t rolling in money.
She had to move hours away from the town she had lived in for 40 years, leave her friends and her church family. Because she isn’t close enough to dead.
Sometimes the government bureaucracy is such a fucking joke. And us, as normal working blue collar people just don’t have the money to fight ‘city hall’.
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1 week ago
The worst part is being disabled, takes so much out of you, that there’s none left over to advocate for yourself and fight the broken system.
5.2K |