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The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine Critique
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93,226 Views • Oct 11, 2018 • Click to toggle off description
A critique and analysis of the second dlc for The Witcher 3, Blood and Wine.
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Views : 93,226
Genre: Gaming
Date of upload: Oct 11, 2018 ^^

Rating : 4.873 (105/3,207 LTDR)
RYD date created : 2022-03-12T04:48:47.618669Z
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YouTube Comments - 262 Comments

Top Comments of this video!! :3


3 years ago

That last moment when he turns towards you is so perfect

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4 years ago

I read the books, and genuinely cried when Regis appeared out of nowhere. He was such an endearing and fun character in the books, which made his death feels very sad. Meeting him again in the expansion really feels like meeting old friend, and the game conveyed that perfectly

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4 years ago

13:00 the man he killed was detlaff's friend, that's why he reacted so strongly after killing him, not because the guy was an "innocent" person

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4 years ago

I'm just happy Geralt and Yennefer finally get to retire in peace, in a stunningly beautiful land. That, after having lived hard lives for decades, saved the world, and somehow managed to raise a daughter who will soon be Empress of Nilfgaard... I couldn't be happier for them. They deserve it.

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4 years ago

It was explaned why deathlaff left syana when be discovered that she was the one manipulating him. He didnt want to make a rash decition because he was emotionel, he wanted to cool down before talking to her. Regis explanes that vampires are sorta kinda like animales that react extreamly when it comes to love

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3 years ago

That magnificent little final moment of the end cutscene with Regis about deserving a rest, where Geralt looks right at the player and smiles,... after hundreds of hours with this character,... that almost makes my eyes leak (certainly lump in throat territory). Bravo to CDPR for giving us that farewell (I'm gonna 4k play that and screenshot it for a background)

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4 years ago

Another thing that makes Blood and Wine such a wonderful sendoff is that it comes full circle, referencing Witcher 1 in ways that have been entirely ignored otherwise. For example, nearly all of the enemies in this DLC, such as Barghests, Bruxa, Garkains, Fleders, Kikimores, Archespores, Echinops', etc were originally seen in Witcher 1, and haven't been seen since. Also, The Lady of the Lake is back and offers Geralt Aerondight, arguably the best endgame silver sword just like in Witcher 1. The Aerondight quest is especially neat because it ties into Toussaint's "chivalry" lore so well: to get the sword, you need to "embody the five virtues", which can be done by making certain choices during other quests present in the DLC. This is such a cool touch that I'm surprised you didn't mention it in the video.

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3 years ago

29:00 dude, I'm from Poland and I haven't noticed that 'Roach' has this second meaning in my native language :D your research is really great

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4 years ago

the part about Dettlaff acting emotional and out of character isn't actually true, he was always very emotional, Regis confirms that vampires feel a lot more intensely than humans do with all of their emotions and Dettlaff has always been an overly emotional being even for a vampire, so I feel it's very reasonable to think someone as smart and manipulative as Syanna can take advantage of that, As for the scene with both of them, you're not taking Dettlaff's emotional state into account, he thought he was hurt before and took action but now that he knows the actual truth he's hurting on a whole other level, much like a human that does something harsh without thinking at the moment, Except Dettlaff does that even more intensely cuz he's way more emotional and emotionally vulnerable than any human, so it would make sense that he wants to make everyone hurt, not to mention killing Syanna doesn't really do much to her, she already knew the risk and accepted that.

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4 years ago

Man, I had goosebumps during the last 5 minutes of the video

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5 years ago

You deserve more subs and views great work

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5 years ago

Deattlaff true nature as a high vampire (beast-like instincts and feelings when enraged) is what brings him to the decision of making that threat . He knows about it and act accordingly . When he finally found Syanna and figured out what happened he was about to kill her , but because of the fear of acting solely on instinct he wanted to wait at least a bit of time . The burning the city part was only there as to say "You will not run away at all costs" it wasn't a punishment for humans ( and honestly at that point , if syanna run away he would have turned in to a beast anyway ). Syanna herself killed the people who she thought betrayed her during her childhood , it's not like she would have accepted the destruction of the city only to save her life . I don't think this part of the story was too unreasonable .

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5 years ago

"Overly emotional schoolboy. It's dumb." That's literally his character. He doesn't process emotions like mature humans. Even Regis mentions that Dettlaff (and vampires in general) feels everything more strongly than humans

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5 years ago

I'm so glad I got recommended your channel. Fantastic critique. It's rare to find someone who can legitimately criticize something even if they enjoy it.

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4 years ago

I never understood why choosing to "reunite" the sisters at the finale was the "good" ending. Syanna was responsable for many atrocious deeds and she should be punished.

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3 years ago

This last scene still gives me the chills in the best way possible. Thank you for an awesome video capturing the soul of this last chapter of the Witcher videogame series.

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4 years ago

I mean Regis explains detlaffs personality pretty damn thoroughly if you missed it that’s kind of your fault. He was upset about killing de la coix because they became friends. I mean Regis tells you that detlaff felt strong emotions ever someone for just giving him an apple and asking nothing in return. Everything he does makes absolute sense from what Regis tells you about him..

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3 years ago

"the fact that he's been fooled and manipulated so easily by Sianna is hard to believe. He's an ancient vampire..." I think this was intentional, to show the power of love.

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4 years ago

I have put 250 hours into my first playthrough of W3. I think that's amazing value for 35 quid. For me it's the best game ever despite all its flaws

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4 years ago

I can't tell you how much I've played and love this game. Words literally can't describe the extent of its greatness

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