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Black Hole Star – The Star That Shouldn't Exist
 60 FPS video
12,635,654 Views β€’ Dec 15, 2022 β€’ Click to toggle off description
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Sources & further reading:

Black hole stars may have been the largest stars to ever exist. They burned brighter than galaxies and were Larger than any star today or that could ever exist in the future. But besides their scale, what makes them special and weird is that deep inside, they were occupied by a cosmic parasite, an endlessly hungry black hole. How is that even possible?

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Views : 12,635,654
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 15, 2022 ^^

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User score: 98.77- Masterpiece Video

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 years ago

β–Ίβ–Ί kgs.link/shop-172
You want to learn more about science? Check out our sciency products on the kurzgesagt shop – all designed with love and produced with care.
Getting something from the kurzgesagt shop is the best way to support us and to keep our videos free for everyone.
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4.7K |


2 years ago

The animation is god tier but the music and sound effects are criminally underrated. Massive appreciation to all the team effort.

29K |


2 years ago

I always love how these scales are shown, knowing that it's basically impossible for anyone to really be able to grasp how absolutely massive these things really are

5.6K |


2 years ago

Just when you think it couldn't get stranger than strange stars, Kurtzgesagt delivers something extra strange to out strange what we had even remotely heard of previously.
Never change.

12K |


8 months ago

Black Hole Star: "my death was greatly exaggerated"

590 |


2 years ago

No matter how many times I see a scale-up of the universe, I’m still shocked as ever to see it again, because I just can’t comprehend how unbelievably colossal the universe is. Truly awe-inspiring.

3.4K |


2 years ago

The fact that 800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons is a concept that ever existed in the universe is horrifying and incredible.

8.5K |


2 years ago

The animators of this channel are impossible to overappreciate. This whole episode was beautiful to look at

3K |


9 months ago

β€œBlack hole sun, won’t you come…”

549 |


2 years ago

The existence of things like this in space is both amazing and terrifying at the same time.

1.7K |


2 years ago

Animation that looks this beautiful and fluid is easy to take for granted, but I know there are sometimes thousands of human-hours involved in their creation. Kudos to all who worked on this.

3.8K |


2 years ago

"The star survives its own death" everything in this video makes my brain explode and I'm here for it

2.7K |


10 months ago

Universe: Were you killed?
Black Hole Star: Sadly, yes… But I lived!

223 |


2 years ago

Your animators did a freaking STELLAR job on this video! The color, detail, and contrast honestly took me aback. You have a very skilled team!

1.5K |


2 years ago

This channel has absolutely stunned me in the last weeks because they started from uploading every few weeks to uploading every few days. The amount of help, donations and editors they're getting must be immense. Congrats, man!

1.2K |


11 months ago

3:37 gosh, this visual presentation is BEAUTIFUL

44 |


2 years ago

This channel makes me feel again like a kid learning for the first time about space in school. Glued to my sit, completely focused and amazed by the science. You guys are the absolute teachers. Following since early 2014, I’m impressed and glad to have witnessed the exponential growth in quality of your videos, but still having the same energy and philosophy of the beginning. Truly happy πŸŽ‰

1.9K |


2 years ago

Imagine being part of the team that theorise all of this. And the more information you put forward the more realistic the theory becomes. The level of excitement. The goose bumps!

1K |


1 year ago

a star so massive that its core gets compressed into a black hole and it somehow can still exist because it's so massive that the outward push of its energy keeps it alive. and it's all theoretically possible, that is utterly insane to think about

1.5K |


11 months ago

This is my favorite video of all time, out of all the videos in YouTube. I love the visuals, the explanations, and the actual quasi-star is a cool thing. This was explained in such a good way, i thank you for how good this video is. I hope these get confirmed, these are also my favorite space objects of all time.

15 |

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