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Views : 10,564,940
Genre: Sports
Uploaded At Jun 27, 2023 ^^
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Rating : 4.962 (717/74,025 LTDR)
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User score: 98.56- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-11T11:25:04.109146Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The speed tuck was the best move he did on fast downhills. It's saving him energy he well spent on uphills. For most to understand, it takes exponentially more energy/force to fight wind speed the faster you go, so there is a point where pedaling with wide arms is more tiring and slower than just fly downhill ducking down and tucking the arms in. Bravo
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1 year ago
Such a fun race!! I was a bit too careful on the snow at the start after seeing Theo crash in the first corner and people seemingly flying everywhere. It felt really sketchy at the time. Luckily the race is long and I knew I could make time on the single track if I had clear track or ride really efficiently if I was behind someone/in a group which would allow me to be fresh for the climbs. I know my fitness is good for the 30second to 2min climbs also and that I'd be able to pass on those.
Had another tight race with Alexis and Olivier for 2nd and they both got the better of me this time but it was good to race them as always!
Congrats to Kilian for the win!
P.S I realised after uploading that I've filmed this in 24p and exported it as 25p it still looks normal 99.9% of the time but if there is the odd small jump that's why! My internet is soooo bad here (it took over 24hours to upload) otherwise I would change it and reupload!
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