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Views : 121,362
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 4, 2024 ^^
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User score: 99.72- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2025-02-17T16:56:33.665512Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Hi Lauren,
A short story. Iāve been playing for 58 years now and have used every pick holding trick you mentioned. As Iāve grown older and my thumb started to get arthritic, my picks would fly into oblivion. I tried adhering cork, double sided tape, thin abrasives, etc., to my Fender mediums, but they all gave the same results; a pick that didnāt feel right. Then I stumbled on something unusual. I have a handlebar mustache and wax it regularly. One day I didnāt clean the wax off my finger and thumb very well and went in to play a gig. The pick never escaped my grip. (Iām a flatpicker and jazz guitarist). That residual mustache wax helped the grip so I used it regularly. Then I found a better, cleaner, less expensive solution. Try fingertip moistener on your thumb and finger. I use SORTKWIK. Works great and I encourage anyone, young or old, to give this a try.
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Iām an older guitarist/ singer that has been playing for twenty years. I always fight with my timing when singing and/ or playing solo. Iām always looking for tips that will help these issues. I always love your lessons and frequently come back to them. Thanks for your beautiful lessons
Happy New Year 2025!
7 months ago
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š7 LEVEL GUITAR SYSTEM: www.laurenbatemanguitar.com/courseyt
šEXPRESSIVE RHYTHM & STRUMMING: www.laurenbatemanguitar.com/strumming
šFINGERPICKING 101: www.laurenbatemanguitar.com/fingerpicking101
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