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Views : 262,448
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 1, 2024 ^^
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User score: 99.76- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-12-11T03:42:53.583164Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
BO3 could have been such a fantastic story, but I get the feeling that the devs just didnāt have enough time to flesh it out through the campaign so they compromised by taking the coolest, most cinematic, and most important moments and putting those into gameplay while putting the rest into those scrolling text entries
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I'm sorry but I snorted so hard when 17:13 the e-guitar sets in and Hudson just pulls out sunglasses
That was comedic
But also yay! I have been curious about the plotline(s) of Call of Duty but never got around to playing even one of the games, so happy to get a top-notch gingy-quality video on the story
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Regarding the statements about Molotov-Rippentrop Pact @ 2:40; the Pact did not break upon Nazi Germany's Attack on Poland in 1939, but held until 1942 when Operation Barbarossa started. As a matter of fact, the Pact gave half of the conquered polish lands to the Soviet Union, which invaded Poland, at that point a soverign and independent nation, a week after the Nazis did.
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1:02:59 Ha! Gingy, your bone-dry delivery of lines like this, so awesome!
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Love the detailed descriptions and linking to real world events - great work as always!
Just one slight correction from a history nerd. As you introduce Black ops Cold War, you state that the game takes place in 1981 which is "Well after the collapse of the Berlin Wall". The Berlin wall was taken down in 1989, during the closing years of the cold war, during Gorbachev's Perestroika and Glasnost policies. There's probably a typo in the script where it should be "Well after the construction of the Berlin wall", as the Berlin wall started out in 1961 as some wired fencing which gradually were built upon with walls and checkpoints throughout the 60s and 70s. Sorry for the nerd "uuhm actually".
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1 month ago
Did not have Call of Duty for my Gingy Bingo card, but will still watch anyway.
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