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Genre: Education
Uploaded At Feb 14, 2023 ^^
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User score: 98.50- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-09-18T06:27:19.656466Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This video allowed me to confirm the accuracy of this channel's content. I've studied molecular oncology for 13 years and have a PhD in Human Biology and Genetics and can say that this channel is the way to communicate science to everyone. Biology is unbelievably complex, and more I deepen knowledge into specific molecular mechanisms, and more I discover how much we don't know about it. This makes me appreciating the depths of other fields, incentivizing learning over creating superficial opinions. The superficiality by which COVID vaccines have been misjudged by the people not in the field, reminded me the importance of education and to teach critical thinking in schools.
4.2K |
I am not exaggerating when I say this, I promise you. Kurzgesagt has changed how I view learning as a whole. When I was younger I couldn't care less about nature, space, biology, and anything that required learning. This was partially because of my ADHD. I found this youtube channel about a year or two ago and it has changed that entirely. Kurzgesagt sparked a certain curiosity towards the world I never really knew before. This may also be because I simply got older, but Kurzgesagt helped. I live life, space and the mystery of all of that as a whole. I mainly want to go to college for art stuff, but I am tempted to also dive into any kind of science. As stupid and overly ambitious as this sounds it's true. Kurzgesagt is an underrated, inspirational work of art. <333
I do not know much, but Kurzgesagt makes me incredibly eager to learn more.
1.4K |
I am a cellular and developmental biologist, taking masters developmental genetics and performing research on regenerative medicine. It took years of intense math, chemistry, physics, and genetics before we began discussing protein folding in 3d space, overall behavior in four dimensions, and how we can start to model them bioinformatically (6:23); however, the subject is introduced in 12 minutes flawlessly, and could be shown to middle school students. Well done!
880 |
I'm a scientist with a PhD in stem cell biology. The amount of work to create such self explanatory animations, together with a simple albeit not simplistic script is absolutely amazing. The service this channel does is not only for public scientific divulgation, but also scientists that lost their enthusiasm should look back at these videos to find that initial spark and sense of awe.
6 |
This is the video that I've been waiting for so long. People just don't talk about Cell Biology enough when in fact, this is arguably the most diverse and fascinating field of biology. It underlies almost every thing in biology, from immunology to developmental biology to neuroscience. As a cell biologist, I feel incredibly proud to be part of this beautiful field.
475 |
This is a wonderful coincidence. I just finished my semester finals on Human Genetics yesterday which had all the topics covered in this video from what amino acids are to how they are made from DNA and how they are responsoble for most of us. I enjoyed studying this with my friend because it is just beautiful. Kurzgesagt drops a video covering the same topic and illustrates it in a much more beautiful way than my prof. Definitely sharing this one. I loved this one especially because it means something to me.
921 |
1 year ago
Go βbeyond the nutshellβ at brilliant.org/nutshell/ and dive deeper into these topics and more with a free 30-day trial!
This video was sponsored by Brilliant. Thanks a lot for the support!
2.5K |