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Uploaded At Sep 30, 2024 ^^
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User score: 98.20- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-04T11:04:15.239732Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I think RDJ as Doctor Doom would've worked far better if they hadn't revealed it to us beforehands. I really like the idea of an alternate universe Tony Stark where he became Doctor Doom instead of Iron Man, but imagine how much better and more exciting that reveal would be if it had happened, you know... in the movie? These televised reveal events only serve to sow doubt and speculation, most of which will skew toward the negative.
1.2K |
5:07 lol she did already show up in a movie (the ending of The Marvels), to do a setup for Young Avengers, unfortunately nobody saw it because it's already a niche movie that's a sequel to a movie and two shows.
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1:39 to skip supporting his livelihood
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16:00 Cosmonaut Variety Hour goes crazy timestamp
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10:42 using Vince McMahon clips when talking about being desperate is hilarious 😭
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I don't think "star power" is what will save the MCU, because you guys may not remember it, but RJD and Chris Evans weren't "top dogs" in Hollywood before the MCU. Sure, they had roles here and there, but they had nowhere near the "star power" they have today. The MCU carried them as much as they carried the MCU.
So no, I don't think RDJ as Doom is what will save the MUC. If the MCU introduces the F4 AND the X-men in a satisfying way, THEN we're talking. People forget the X-men were the "golden goose" of Marvel before the Avengers, and its time to remind them of that.
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As you touched on here, I believe we should WANT corporations desperate. Especially in regards to creative industries controlled by said corporate executives. The "console wars" are a pretty good representation of what happens when one company feels WAY ahead of it's competition. PS2 killing it, so arrogant with it's pricing and structure of PS3, let 360 run all over them. 360 dominates market for a long stretch, completely miss the mark with Xbone reveal. PS4 (now 5)kills market and look at their choices and pricing models now. There's more to it than just that synopsis, but I believe the idea holds up to scrutiny. Desperate is when creatives often get the green light to run with their ideas from their IP owners. I'd feel RDJr is a terrible idea normally..but then the Russo bros at the helm? Have they made a bad movie?
also...could you please review the Buffy seasons? I can't be the only one who'd like to see that (and agrees with your take on best to worst seasons)
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Marcus. Marcus. Please, PLEASE do a long Buffy review.
...actually I would love a Bluey video too, thank you. My partner watches it and even though it's a little kids show that mostly has ultra light kid plots, once in a while there are suprisingly nuanced yet still kid-friendly takes on some heavy topics.
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3 days ago
If Dr. Doom does not jump 17 feet in the air and yell “FOOT DIVE” and land on idk, fucking Spider-Man or somethin, I’m suing Marvel.
4.3K |