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Uploaded At Feb 28, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This hits home in a big way. I have a rare cancer that we treated with chemotherapy for 17 months with good results. My doctor and I decided to try immunotherapy. So six months into that, my blood sugar suddenly goes ballistic....635. Next thing I know, I'm in the ER and they are bringing my glucose level down in a safe manner. Two days in the hospital and they tell me that my amped-up immune system attacked my pancreas. So now, I have Type 1 diabetes and am insulin dependent.....and still have the cancer. But it's just another obstacle to overcome.
2.3K |
The subject is so interesting and always makes me want to cry, I had numerous discussions with my wife's vaccine hesitancy, especially when it came to our children. It contributed to our divorce. Thank you for creating such a informative video that portrays such a serious subject in a positive light. My compassion goes out to all of us that have suffered from disease that could have been prevented from vaccines.
320 |
When I was 12 years old I contracted glandular fever (ie, the epstein-barr virus) and since then my body has never been the same. It completely destroyed my life. I'm now in my 20s and suffer from multiple autoimmune disorders, unable to work, have chronic pain, etc. So... yeah. Amazing what one small, pesky virus can do and how devastating the immune system can be when it turns on you.
1.4K |
Videos like this have made me much kinder to myself. Realising just how much work my body puts into staying alive and how mind-bogglingly complex it all is has given me a much deeper apprecition for a body that I always resented for being chronically ill and "broken". Now I feel like it's miraculous I'm here at all!
I also really appreciate the reminder that activating your immune system requires a huge amount of energy. I've been feeling really tired and down and have zero motivation for anything since I suffered some significant burns last week. I just keep having to remind myself that it's perfectly normal and healthy to not feel up to anything while my body is busy taking care of me.
159 |
Just few days ago, I had a CT scan after having a long Covid disease. I didn't know how to read the results of the CT scan, but the doctor explained me that although I had not suffered any serious damage, my lungs still had some "scars". This was quite shocking to me, the idea that a "simple" flu could cause me permanent injuries had never even crossed my mind
2K |
I truly love and respect the team behind this youtube channel. Your "bacteriophage therapy" video had a profound impact on my life inspiring me and literally changing my life in the process. I am currently in my second year of pursuing a doctorate degree, focusing on chemical genomics research all started with a youtube video.
886 |
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