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Uploaded At Sep 27, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-10-04T11:35:52.773394Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Thanks for sharing Ryan. I'm in Clemson SC and just in the upstate area alone we've got around 1.25 million out of power and the damage is absolutely tremendous. Many thoughts & prayers for everyone who was in the path of this storm and also remember our linemen & first responders. They're out there so we can be comfortable again asap. 💙🙏
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Ryan - thank you for your informative videos. My wife and I have our first alone week long vacation (after 25 years and 3 kids) planned for this week To Gatlinburg and it's the first time to Gatlinburg. Can't wait to be there though it may be wet - but then it is the "Smoky mountains!" We love your information and share your faith. Thank you for showing us what to expect! 😊
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I got some crazy video of the Pigeon River in Newport today before they evacuated downtown Newport. Chillin in a hotel room right now since we can't get home. Hoping the water goes down tomorrow so we can get home and assess the damage. I'll say our first week as fulltime Tennessee residents has been eventful.
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Ryan, thank you so much for this update. My heart goes out to everyone on the NC side that has suffered so much devastation. We are arriving on October 6 for the week…a family vacation! Our children, their spouses and our 5 grandchildren. Hopefully by then some things will be back to normal. I really enjoy your channel!
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6 days ago
Thankfully there wasn't greater Pigeon Forge or Gatlinburg flooding! Here is the latest update video ► https://youtu.be/oVYlgckBvsU
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