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Views : 425,994
Uploaded At Sep 30, 2024 ^^
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User score: 97.33- Overwhelmingly Positive
RYD date created : 2024-10-04T11:36:04.799997Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
One storm might be a cinch and a town taken, but the whole western coastal areas of Florida saw Helene's vengeance and she is still up north creating havoc. I really feel sorry for those that lost everything. I have been through 8 major Hurricanes since 1994 but never seen anything like Helene before. Then they are telling us there is more to come. It is not over with yet. God help us all. I have an electric scooter where can I can run too? Not too far. I am home in Tampa and lost no electricity. I am more fortunate as poor as I am. I am not feeling sorry that I am poor. I never lost a home like they have. So So Sorry for them. Prayers for their recovery.
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3 days ago
Someone called it the storm of the century. Said it was the largest storm in over one hundred years. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected.
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