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Views : 127,262
Genre: Entertainment
Uploaded At Nov 25, 2022 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.963 (42/4,438 LTDR)
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User score: 98.59- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-07-20T05:06:21.147423Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Holy crap! Can James Cameron just put the Avatar sequels on pause for a wee bit and give us a blockbuster movie about tripping balls? It's been too long since we've gotten a good one — I'm looking at you Fear and Loathing — and the special effects are actually up to snuff now. I really want a movie that captures the visual hallucinations, the broken sense of time, the sudden epiphanies and connections that come about, and the ego dissolution that emerges with more extreme doses. This dude knows that experience and is an excellent storyteller... he could take us there in film!
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It's one thing to imagine what inspired the world of Pandora, it's another to hear the stories that led up to that inspiration. I've known about Jim's youthful exploits for some time but this video is a real treasure. I doubt I'm being bold to wager that the deleted psychedelic ritual sequence from the first Avatar will find new life in the sequels. Thanks so much for sharing this.
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When Cameron talks about the feeling of being a 'tube' that ingests and excretes really hit home: I was at the end of a 10 wk meditation workshop, during an 8 hr meditation, I found myself as a mollusk, a small shelled thing sitting on the edge of an ocean, breathing in and breathing out -- nothing but the breathing - reduced to breath flow as a mollusk on a sea shore. I've done acid (decades ago) but that was an exceptionally vivid and tacit feeling that blew me away.
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1 year ago
He's such a good storyteller, no wonder he became a famous film director!!!
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