PokeVideoPlayer v0.9-rev1 - licensed under gpl3-or-later
Views : 7,557,189
Uploaded At Sep 28, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.98 (1,232/250,162 LTDR)
99.51% of the users lieked the video!!
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User score: 99.27- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-04T12:27:03.995841Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
17:47 Ryan, that flower is called a Celosia Cristata.
872 |
14:04 "I either just found the arcade or I'm about to die 💀
1K |
10:53 it would be funny if the password for the wifi was “pleasework”
568 |
yk for a few months i was kind of bored of ryans videos...im like whats so special in them now. after this, i am reminded just why. i was having a pretty bleh day and started off feeling sad and tired but somehwo through the end of this, i was smiling like a dork at ryans playfulness, missing my gf after seeing him and haley together, and just feeling so much better. thank you so much
39 |
26:02 nice save ryan
1.1K |
22:53 I figured it out. It's a Dyson bp03 purifier... I'm sure nobody asked for that
457 |
12:37 What's insane to me is someone owns that luxury house and rents it out meaning they must have a second place to live that's probably equally as nice or nicer.
125 |
5 days ago
Nice save, Ryan. (seriously though, picnic was a great call)
14K |