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Uploaded At Sep 30, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-10-04T10:32:46.069286Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
3:44 yes, you were 100% experiencing heat exhaustion, and if there was no nearby help, i would call that narrowly avoiding heat stroke. if you get to the point of dizzy from the heat, that is to be treated as a medical emergency. immediately seek shade and water. Japan being Japan, you probably would've been helped, but it's easier to avoid an incident altogether.
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As someone who grew up in the 40+ degree celsius summers of tropical Australia, my strat was just to never leave my house. Kids I knew would get heat stroke all the time, it was a common occurence. No way I'm risking that heat and I've heard Japan's summers are very similar, best of luck but luckily it's coming into Autumn for you guys!
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I really hate summers no matter where I am in the world. I hate having a sweaty back. Immediately sweating after getting out of the shower. The pictures you drew at 4:46 perfectly describes my mood in summer.
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4:11 Emiru, long sleeves in the summer are usually worn to protect against the sun, some long sleeve shirts even have tech in them to stop UV rays. In fact, wearing loose fitting long sleeves will help you stay cooler in high heat situations. Note high humidity requires different things.
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0:43 It is obvious that person has never experienced East Asian(Korean & Japanese) summers. The combination of sauna level humidity and Texan levels of heat makes you sweat buckets while you desperately seek water; it’s a vicious cycle no one can escape from without the help of air conditioning.
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Honey, you are spot on with humidity. I loved Japan and visited it twice, both in summer. Beautiful time, wonderful trip. Felt like a walking steamed broccoli for several days. I mean, worth it, but point still stands.
I recall it was typhoon season and there was some serious rain a day if not a few days, but I recall still having a good time those days.
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3 days ago
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This video was on the shorter side but let me know what you guys think! There's no coloring or shading but it means I can knock these out in a week rather than the usual 3 weeks! (but if you prefer the more polished looking videos then I understand!) Just trying out different ways to make my workflow faster :3
Thanks so much for watching!!!
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