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Uploaded At Sep 30, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
P.S. My adorable student just asked me today if I have kids…and I replied “No.” His response, “Are you sure you don’t want any?” Then he asks, “Do you have any pets?” I reply “No.” Student - “That’s sad.” I concluded, “It’s not sad. I love living alone 😊.” Context - My students think I’m in my 20’s even though I’m more than double that. All and all, I wasn’t offended. Ladies, just own where you are in life and make NO apologies!!
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I am 68, never married, never been on a real date ( wasn't pretty enough, or so most men thought) and not gay. Was molested by my Dad at age 13, and before that, was never emotionally supported by him anyway. He was abusive toward my Mom and myself. Sooooo, I never let myself become open to relationships even when I was approached. Guess what girls, it's really alright!!! I was always afraid that if I got into a situation with some man that may mistreat me, I would end up I prison, because I was not going to let that happen. I AM BEAUTIFUL, AND I CHILDLESS ALSO. It really is a BLESSING TO BE SINGLE. I AM NOT ASHAMED TO BE SINGLE, I AM PROUD THAT I MADE IT THIS FAR. DON'T HAVE MUCH, BUT GOD HAS THIS WAY OF SUPPLYING ALL OF MY NEEDS. DON'T LET ANYBODY TELL YOU THAT YOU DON'T MATTER IF YOU ARE A CERTAIN AGE AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SINGLE. TOO OLD FOR FOOLISHNESS NOW 💃💃💃🙏🙏🙏💙
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3 days ago
I’m 70 years old and I’ve been asked if there was anything wrong with me why I’m not married I have one adult son. Still not married, but I’m not desperate or lonely very happy with my life😂
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