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Views : 4,993
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 18, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I used to feel this way. Even though I have the ability to heal sometime, doesn't mean I should just do it. In my experience, trying to be there for broken women, and worse yet trying to heal them, will absolutely break you in the process! Learn to love yourself more, than you love anyone else. Focus on your needs, your growth, and wellbeing. I've had to heal myself way too meant times to do this again. I'll leave the healing to the professionals.
Be well kind souls. Know that you're loved, you're worth it, you're heard, and you're seen. ❤️
She must heal on her own.
Its hard for a men to fix a women...more so be entering in a relationship with a once broken women.
He will get hurt. Scared and bruised. Its like taking in a cat that has had tough times, unaccustomed to freindkt gestures, love and care...all what it would do is scream, scratch and bite its host. And guesd what...underneat its sharp fierce nails...it hides a potent potion, that can bring about more harm than the scratch alone.
You cant heal a broken women. Get ypu a women is not broken.
1 month ago
Give God a chance to heal those that have been mistreated. Amen