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679,137 Views • Apr 23, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
How I quit 10 years of smoking
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Uploaded At Apr 23, 2024 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


9 months ago

Everyone wants to talk about how marijuana is or isn't addictive but no one wants to address the evidence that has linked cannabis use to earlier onset of psychosis and psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia, as well as worse symptoms in people who already have these conditions. there is also evidence linking cannabis use to other mental illnesses and self-harm, including suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The evidence shows that cannabis is addictive and also has many horrible effects on human life. I urge everyone to turn away from it even tho it might be difficult.

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10 months ago

That act of actually smoking is the addictive part, that’s why exercise and breathing exercises are great for battling the withdrawals.

1.6K |


10 months ago

I smoked every day for 10 years. I quit a year ago and never had any issues. I never craved it, and never anything, it was easy to quit!

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9 months ago

“No matter what anyone tries to say or tell you” it depends solely on the person .

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10 months ago

People need to learn the difference between a habit and an addiction.

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9 months ago

Everyone is different. My bf has adhd and he started smoking weed to stop taking all of the medications that he was prescribed with. He always tells me that he’ll never go back to those meds, and I don’t blame him.

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9 months ago

Fun fact: most people with withdrawals and shit from marijuanna are people who had prior mental health/physical issues. You become addicted to how happy and how better it makes those issues feel to the point of physical withdrawals. Same thing happened to me.

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10 months ago

Im going to smoke its the only thing that helps my chronic pain and no meds don't work for me due to major allergies so imma stay 420 till i leave this planet

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10 months ago

Weed effects everyone differently, ive smoked everyday for decades, i can go all day without it, my body doesnt ask for it, your body can get addicted to anything, even food, but its not physically addicting, you wont tremble, you wont get body aches or fevers, being grumpy is normal for anyone learning to regulate without a substance, people even use coffee to regulate which is way worse physically

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8 months ago

I quit smoking marijuana back in 2016. I had some of the symptoms but not all. I definitely felt the urge to pick up a few times but I just called the name of Jesus and that urge immediately goes away

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9 months ago

Quitters never win. I will never stop smoking. I don't have any of these problems when I take a break. Its not for everyone, but it is for me.

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10 months ago

Whenever I tell smokers that I had to stop smoking due to weed making my mental state worse, they always say "but it's good for your mental health.".... To those people I say, stop smoking for one week and watch yourself go into a deep dark place.

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9 months ago

I smoked for 11 years, i decided to quit smoking to get a job. Quit for 4 months and it was no issue. I sparked back up last week since i got work that doesnt test for weed. I can quit any time and its not that bad.

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9 months ago

I'm 63 years old habeen smoking since I was 15 have raised my kids have a active role in raising my grandkids this is typical for this generation

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10 months ago

Lol. Smoked weed for 20 years. Stopped out of nowhere without a problem. Smoked cigarettes for 20 years.. still smoking. I cant stop for longer than a few hours. My record is a few months but it was hell and ended up smoking again

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9 months ago

A lot of the time the "side effects of quitting" are just the things you were using it to self medicate in the first place. My biggest problem with smoking was that I was using it to "cope" with situations in life that I needed to actually put in the work to change. If you have no appetite, insomnia, no energy, headaches, irritability, when you dont smoke you should get screened for depression.

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10 months ago

I got pregnant and had to quit after 10+ years of heavy weed use. I get bored. That’s about it. If you use it as a emotional crutch, you will get addicted like this, and it’s your own fault.

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10 months ago

Mary jane is emotional addictive, not physically. Not every thing is for everyone and moderation is whats important. If you find yourself smoking every day, multiple times a day then its time to take a step back and reconsider life choices. Anything can be addictive if you lack the self control/know how to manage it.

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8 months ago

I used to be the biggest pothead in allll the land for 15 years. One day, it started making me feel weird. I started getting anxious and having panick attacks when i smoked it. It got to a point where i didnt like it at all anymore. I haven't smoked in years now just because i dont want to anymore. So to say its addictive is a bit of a stretch. But there comes a time where you just dont like or need it anymore.

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9 months ago

I've been smoking for the past 23 years.. never gonna give it up..

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