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Views : 679,137
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 23, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Weed effects everyone differently, ive smoked everyday for decades, i can go all day without it, my body doesnt ask for it, your body can get addicted to anything, even food, but its not physically addicting, you wont tremble, you wont get body aches or fevers, being grumpy is normal for anyone learning to regulate without a substance, people even use coffee to regulate which is way worse physically
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A lot of the time the "side effects of quitting" are just the things you were using it to self medicate in the first place. My biggest problem with smoking was that I was using it to "cope" with situations in life that I needed to actually put in the work to change. If you have no appetite, insomnia, no energy, headaches, irritability, when you dont smoke you should get screened for depression.
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Mary jane is emotional addictive, not physically. Not every thing is for everyone and moderation is whats important. If you find yourself smoking every day, multiple times a day then its time to take a step back and reconsider life choices. Anything can be addictive if you lack the self control/know how to manage it.
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I used to be the biggest pothead in allll the land for 15 years. One day, it started making me feel weird. I started getting anxious and having panick attacks when i smoked it. It got to a point where i didnt like it at all anymore. I haven't smoked in years now just because i dont want to anymore. So to say its addictive is a bit of a stretch. But there comes a time where you just dont like or need it anymore.
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9 months ago
Everyone wants to talk about how marijuana is or isn't addictive but no one wants to address the evidence that has linked cannabis use to earlier onset of psychosis and psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia, as well as worse symptoms in people who already have these conditions. there is also evidence linking cannabis use to other mental illnesses and self-harm, including suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The evidence shows that cannabis is addictive and also has many horrible effects on human life. I urge everyone to turn away from it even tho it might be difficult.
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