121 Views • May 7, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Arceus (アルセウス, Aruseusu) is a Normal-type Mythical Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. This Pokémon is known as the creator of the Pokémon world. It has the highest base stat total of any Pokémon (excluding alternate forms). It also is the mascot for Pokémon Legends: Arceus, and is the master of the Creation Trio and the Lake Guardians.Arceus is an equine being similar to a Qilin. Its body color is white with a gray, vertically-striated underside, the pattern of which has similar recurrences on the underside of Arceus's mane, tail, and face, and Arceus's pointed feet are tipped with gold hooves. Its mane is quite long, jutting away from its head, and its face is gray, with green eyes and red pupils, and a green circular pattern below its eyes.
Mewtwo (ミュウツー, Myuutsuu) is a Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation I. It was created using Mew's DNA.
It can Mega Evolve into either Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y by using the respective Mewtwonite X or Mewtownite Y on it. Mega Mewtwo X adds an additional Fighting-type to it. Mewtwo is a bipedal feline-like Pokémon. Its appearance is loosely based on Mew, with a more of a mutated humanoid look in addition to its feline traits. Its body is purple and it has three fingers on each hand. Mewtwo projects a faint purple aura when at full power.
Mew (Japanese: ミュウ, Hepburn: Myū) is a fictional species from the Pokémon franchise. A small, pink, Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon, it was added to Pokémon Red and Blue by its creator, Game Freak programmer Shigeki Morimoto, with the intent of making it obtainable, but was left out for development and technical reasons. After being discovered through data mining, its presence in the games was surrounded by rumors and myths, contributing to the Pokémon franchise's success. For years, Mew could not be legitimately obtained in the games except via Pokémon distribution events or glitching.
Mew's first film appearance was in Pokémon: The First Movie as a main character alongside Mewtwo. The movie revealed that a fossilized Mew eyelash, found in the Guyana jungle by a team of scientists, was used to create Mewtwo, a genetically enhanced Mew clone. Mew later appeared in Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew as a main character alongside Lucario; the backstory of the film revolves around Mew's mysterious history and how it came to be so powerful. Pokémon: The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon had a mirage version of Mew appear as a main character in the movie who helped Ash and friends try to defeat the Mirage Master.
Giratina (ギラティナ, Giratina) is a Legendary Ghost/Dragon-type Pokémon. Giratina is the Version Mascot for Pokémon Platinum. It is a member of the Creation Trio, alongside Dialga and Palkia. Giratina's Altered Forme is a giant, dragon-like Pokémon, with an appearance similar to that of a large sauropod. It has 6 legs, gold protrusions that look like external ribs, and golden horns on its head. Its neck has five red stripes and 4 black stripes. On its back, it has a black stripe pattern that extends to its legs. It has black wings with three red thorn-like appendages called girasols (a rare type of opal) coming out of them. Giratina's Origin Forme is more serpentine (like an amphitheater) than its Altered Forme. Its wings are now shaped like tentacles with the red thorn-like appendages sticking out at the end. Its mouth is now behind the two appendages in front of its face. They open when Giratina roars or etc. The horns on its head are still the same. Giratina in Origin Forme has five rows of golden spikes protruding out of the torso and near the tail. Five gray and red stripes are partially overlapped by these spikes.
Rayquaza (Japanese: レックウザ Rekkuuza) is a Dragon/Flying-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It is the version mascot for Pokémon Emerald.
It is a member of the Weather Trio, alongside Kyogre and Groudon. Rayquaza is a long, green, serpentine Pokémon with yellow eyes. It has pink lining in the mouth. It has yellow, linked, circular markings down its entire body. In Mega form, it has a Delta-shaped jaw on its mouth, yellow energy "ribbons", and an elongated serpent body. As Mega Rayquaza, it is more aggressive and powerful.
Shiny Rayquaza replaces all of the green with black.
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